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Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation

Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Home > About FDIC > Financial Reports > 1998 Annual Report

1998 Annual Report

Table of Contents

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Chairman’s Statement
Condition of the Funds
State of the Banking and Thrift Industries
Year 2000 Challenges
International Banking
Deposit Insurance
Board of Directors
Organization Chart/Officials

Operations of the Corporation
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Supervision and Enforcement
Failed Institutions
Consumer Protection Activities
Significant Court Cases
Internal Operations

Legislation and Regulations
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Legislation Enacted
Regulations Adopted and Proposed

Financial Statements
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Bank Insurance Fund (BIF)
Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF)
FSLIC Resolution Fund (FRF)

Statistical Tables
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Number and Deposits of BIF–Insured Banks Closed, 1934–98
Recoveries and Losses on Disbursements, 1934–98
Income and Expenses–BIF, 1933–98
Estimated Insured Deposits and the BIF, 1934–98
Income and Expenses–SAIF, 1989–98
FDIC-Insured Institutions Closed During 1998
Estimated Insured Deposits and the SAIF, 1989–98
Insured Thrifts Taken Over or Closed, 1989–98

For More Information
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Sources of Information
Regional Offices
Selected Testimony and Major Speeches

Last Updated 03/21/2000

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