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Financial Institution Employee’s Guide to Deposit Insurance

Last Updated: August 30, 2023

Deposit Insurance Coverage Resources

Informational resources on deposit insurance coverage are described below. These resources can be found on the FDIC’s website at: /resources/deposit-insurance/. The FDIC provides these resources free of charge to consumers and IDI employees.

FDIC Deposit Insurance Brochures and Guides

  • Deposit Insurance at a Glance, available in English and Spanish, is a tri-page brochure that provides basic information on the common ownership categories of insurance coverage, including single accounts, certain retirement accounts, joint accounts and revocable trust accounts.
  • Your Insured Deposits, available in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Chinese (traditional and simplified), explains the nine most common deposit insurance categories. It is especially useful for large depositors, those with unusual deposit insurance requirements, and IDI employees who are assisting depositors with deposit insurance questions. This brochure (English and Spanish versions) also is available in a large print version (8.5” x 11”) and printed on 18-point font type.

FDIC YouTube Videos

The FDIC has three seminars on YouTube that cover various deposit insurance topics.

  • Fundamentals of Deposit Insurance

    This seminar provides an overview of the rules for determining coverage for the nine most common account ownership categories. It is an excellent resource to use as a refresher on the foundations of deposit insurance.

  • Deposit Insurance Coverage for Revocable Trust Accounts

    This seminar focuses exclusively on revocable trust accounts and covers complex scenarios including in-depth examples for revocable trust accounts with more than $1,250,000 in deposits and six or more beneficiaries receiving unequal interests.

  • Advanced Topics in Deposit Insurance Coverage

    This seminar includes government accounts, mortgage servicing accounts, IDI mergers and pass-through deposit insurance coverage, as well as other deposit insurance topics.

Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE)

EDIE is a tool that assists IDI employees and consumers in calculating deposit insurance coverage. The calculator is ideal for analyzing actual deposits established or hypothetical examples that depositors or IDI employees may wish to explore for the amount of FDIC deposit insurance coverage that may be available. Please note that no personally identifiable information is necessary to access EDIE’s calculations. After the user enters the account information, EDIE generates a printable report clearly showing the amount of insurance coverage for the user’s accounts. EDIE can be used to calculate the insurance coverage of single, certain retirement, joint, revocable or living trust/ITF/POD, government and business accounts. For irrevocable trust accounts, depositors and IDI employees should contact the FDIC at 1-877-275-3342 to discuss their specific situations.

Looking for more? Contact the FDIC.

  • 1-877-275-3342 (1-877-ASKFDIC). Call us to determine your deposit insurance coverage or ask any other specific deposit insurance questions.
  • FDIC Information and Support Center. Submit a request or complaint, check on the status of a complaint or inquiry, or securely exchange documents with the FDIC.
Hours of Operation (Excluding Federal Holidays)
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Sunday Closed

Hearing Impaired Line:
Toll Free 1-800-877-8339

Read more about FDIC insurance online at:

Order FDIC deposit insurance products online at:

Submit your deposit insurance coverage questions using the FDIC Information and Support Center at:

Mail questions to:

Deposit Insurance Unit
550 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20429-9990

Note: The FDIC recommends that if you have questions about revocable or irrevocable trusts you may wish to call the FDIC at the toll-free number above and ask to speak with a deposit insurance specialist. A deposit insurance subject matter expert can assist the caller in collecting the pertinent information in calculating the amount of deposit insurance coverage that may be available.

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