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Crisis and Response: An FDIC History, 2008–2013

Charts and Data Library

Part 2: Banking Crisis and Response

Chapter 5 - Deposit Insurance Fund Management and Risk-Based Deposit Insurance Assessments

Figure 5.2 Contingent Loss Reserve, DIF Portfolio Liquidity, and DIF Balance Q1 2007 - Q4 2010
Quarter Contingent Loss Reserve ($Bn) DIF Portfolio Liquidity ($Bn) Fund Balance ($Bn)
Q1 2007 0.04 50.43 50.70
Q2 2007 0.03 50.52 51.20
Q3 2007 0.07 52.05 51.80
Q4 2007 0.12 53.13 52.40
Q1 2008 0.58 55.09 52.80
Q2 2008 10.59 53.15 45.20
Q3 2008 11.73 33.86 34.60
Q4 2008 23.98 31.65 17.30
Q1 2009 28.46 32.99 13.00
Q2 2009 31.97 29.66 10.40
Q3 2009 38.93 23.44 -8.20
Q4 2009 44.01 66.15 -20.90
Q1 2010 40.72 63.29 -20.70
Q2 2010 27.53 43.98 -15.20
Q3 2010 21.27 43.66 -8.00
Q4 2010 17.69 46.20 -7.40

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