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Transparency & Accountability - Legal Matters

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The FDIC supports compliance with applicable laws and regulations, safe and sound operation of FDIC-insured depository institutions, resolution of financially troubled and insolvent institutions, the insurance of depository institutions, and FDIC-related litigation. This webpage provides information for certain legal activities undertaken by the FDIC.

Rulemaking/Other Federal Register (FR) Items/Comments from
FDIC FR Citations
January 1, 2018 - June 30, 2024
Year Proposed
Comments Notices Final
Requests for
2024 1 973 44 3 0
2023 9 689 83 3 0
2022 6 964 90 4 1
2021 8 336 83 15 7
2020 12 11,005 42 32 2
2019 32 1279 56 29 3
2018 15 233 48 17 3

For more information: Federal Register Citations.

1 Proposed Rules includes Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRs) and Notice of Proposed Rulemakings (NPRs).
2 Final Rules includes Interim Final Rules and Final Rules.
Note: Metrics are reported bi-monthly.

FOIA Requests Received, Processed and Pending
Fiscal Year (FY) Period October 1 - September 30
Fiscal Year (FY) 1 Requests Pending as of the Start of FY Requests Received in the FY Requests Processed in the FY Requests Pending as of the End of FY
2019 14 345 341 18
2018 22 423 431 14

Statutory mandate: 20 days to process a FOIA request.
The average response time for all processed perfected simple requests was 9.95 days in 2018.
1 Fiscal Year (FY) covers October 1st of the prior year through September 30th of the year indicated on the respective row.
For more information: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Service Center.

Enforcement Decisions & Orders
January 1, 2018 - June 30, 2024
Timeframe Consent and Cease & Desist Orders Civil Money Penalty Orders Removal and Prohibition Orders Orders for Restitution
2024 20 19 16 0
2023 24 24 39 0
2022 21 24 25 0
2021 9 26 21 0
2020 22 16 33 0
2019 23 27 33 0
2018 17 23 50 5

These are the most frequently issued types of formal enforcement actions. Every order issued or notice of charges filed can be found here: Enforcement Decisions and Orders

Additional information on prior years’ enforcement actions may be found in the FDIC's Annual Reports.

EGRRCPA (S. 2155) Rulemakings1
2018 and 2019
Year  Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) Interim Final Rule (IFR) Final Rule
2019 6 - 11
2018 7 2 2
Total 2 13 2 13

1All EGRRCPA (S. 2155) Rulemakings were finalized and adopted by the FDIC Board in either 2018 or 2019.

2The combined number of IFRs and NPRs is 15. However, at the final rule stage, certain related NPRs were combined, resulting in a final rule total of 13. In particular, the NPRs on HVCRE Treatment of Land Development Loans and HVCRE/ADC, and the NPRs on Tailoring Capital and Liquidity Rules for Large Banking Organizations (Domestic Banks) and Tailoring Capital and Liquidity Rules for Large Banking Organizations (Foreign Banks), were combined.

For more information on the proposed and final rules and related documents for the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act: EGRRCPA (S. 2155) Rulemakings.

Picture of books titled Rules and Regulations.

Comment on Pending Rules

Comment or view comments on pending, completed, or final rules proposed by the FDIC via Federal Register Citations.

Laws & Regulations

Appeals of Assessment or Supervisory Determinations

Appeals process for insured depository institutions supervised by the FDIC to review material supervisory determinations and for FDIC depository institutions to review assessment determinations.

Picture of board room.

FDIC Board Matters

Information on meetings held by the FDIC Board of Directors, including results of all open meetings.

Picture of plaw books with gavel.

FDIC Law, Regulations & Related Acts

A compilation of banking-related material, including information from other agencies. Updated bimonthly.

Picture of two hands pointing at paper.

Enforcement Decisions & Orders

The formal actions against financial institutions that are regulated by the FDIC or against their affiliated parties, including final orders and notices of changes.

Picture of judge banging gavel

Professional Liability Lawsuits

In its receivership capacity, the FDIC may sue professionals who caused losses to a failed financial institution.