Overview of Resolution Under Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act
The paper provides the most detailed description to date of the FDIC's preparedness to use its Title II resolution authority in a manner that promotes financial stability and prevents taxpayer bailouts.
Options for Deposit Insurance Reform
Following recent bank failures, FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg directed a comprehensive overview of the deposit insurance system and options for reform to address financial stability concerns stemming from recent bank failures.

FDIC's Supervision of Signature Bank
This independent, internal review by the agency's Chief Risk Officer evaluates the agency's supervision of the former Signature Bank, New York, New York, from 2017 until its failure in March 2023. The review explores cause and contributors to failure and offers recommendations for further exploration.

Crisis and Response: An FDIC History, 2008-2013
This study chronicles the FDIC's response to two overlapping financial crises: the financial crisis of 2008-2009 and the banking crisis of 2008-2013. The history explains what occurred and shares lessons learned.