Community banks play a vital role in the functioning of the U.S. financial system and the broader economy, from lending to small business owners and farmers to providing critical banking services in small towns and rural communities across the nation. As the lead federal regulator for community banks, the FDIC monitors industry trends and provides technical assistance in a variety of ways, including training videos, research, and workshops. Research published on this site is based on data available as of the date of publication. These data are subject to periodic revision and update.
2020 Community Banking Study
The 2020 Community Banking Study is an update to the FDIC's first community banking study, published in 2012, and covers the period from year-end 2011 through year-end 2019. This study retains the definition of community banks established in the earlier edition and updates several areas of analysis, including community bank financial performance, trends in community bank consolidation, and community bank lending focus. The current study also covers demographic changes affecting community banks, an analysis of the effect of regulatory changes on community banks and an account of community banks' adoption of new technologies.
- Press Release: FDIC Releases New 2020 Community Banking Study
Community Banking Leverage Ratio
The community bank leverage ratio (CBLR) framework is an optional framework that is designed to reduce burden by removing the requirements for calculating and reporting risk-based capital ratios for qualifying community banking organizations that opt into the framework. The framework provides a simple measure of capital adequacy for qualifying community banking organizations, consistent with section 201 of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act.
- Staff Study: FDIC CFR Staff Study 2020-03 - Analyzing the Community Bank Leverage Ratio
- Fact Sheet: Overview of the Community Bank Leverage Ratio Framework
- CBLR Guide: Community Bank Compliance Guide
- Press Release: FDIC Finalizes Rules to Simplify Capital Calculation for Qualifying Community Banking Organizations and to Early Adopt Certain Related Simplifications to the Regulatory Capital Requirements
Latest Updates
Quarterly Banking Profile
A quarterly publication that provides the earliest comprehensive summary of financial results for all FDIC-insured institutions. Within the Quarterly Banking Profile is a section titled Community Bank Performance Section that provides insight into the condition and performance of community banks.
Reference Data
The FDIC has constructed a database using quarterly financial reports submitted by federally-insured banks and savings associations. The Community Banking Reference Data is updated regularly to reflect community bank designations, as well as structural changes and other events that occur in each period.
Community Bank Search Community Bank Search results are updated to reflect the most current community bank designations.