This Assessment Calendar depicts select invoicing events of interest to bankers. The calendar is both a source of assessment information and a planning tool for scheduling invoice events. Please contact Assessment Operations at 1-800-759-6596, option 2, or at with any questions.
Date | Select Invoicing Event |
1/1/2025 | New Year's Day 2025 |
1/2/2025 | Process returns |
1/2/2025 | Remove oldest invoice, Period FQ1, payment date 12/30/2021, on FDICconnect |
1/3/2025 | Process residual returns |
1/3/2025 | Begin dishonoring new returns (3rd business day after Payment) |
1/9/2025 | Day of remembrance for President Jimmy Carter |
1/20/2025 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday |
1/30/2025 | Call Report data due from most banks |
2/4/2025 | Call Report data due from banks with 2 or more foreign offices |
2/17/2025 | President's Day Holiday |
2/18/2025 | Assessments will initiate efforts to contact institutions requiring FDICconnect registration |
3/7/2025 | Planned date to publish invoices |
3/7/2025 | Activate FDICconnect logon notification telling bankers of invoice availability when they logon to FDICconnect |
3/10/2025 | Send FDICconnect email notifying all banks of invoice availability |
3/11/2025 | Assessments will confirm receipt of FDICconnect emails regarding invoice publication |
3/13/2025 | Mandatory deadline day for making all invoices viewable (15 days prior to payment/collection date) |
3/19/2025 | Invoice download reminders sent to all banks that have not downloaded |
3/25/2025 | Cut-off for submitting ACH Changes 5 pm Eastern Time ACH Payment Info |
3/26/2025 | Close invoice system and produce ACH file and reports |
3/27/2025 | Launch ACH file |
3/28/2025 | Invoice Payment Day |
3/31/2025 | Process returns |
4/1/2025 | Process returns |
4/2/2025 | Process residual returns |
4/2/2025 | Begin dishonoring new returns (3rd business day after Payment) |
4/2/2025 | Remove oldest invoice, Period FQ2, payment date 3/30/2022, on FDICconnect |
4/30/2025 | Call Report data due from most banks |
5/5/2025 | Call Report data due from banks with 2 or more foreign offices |
5/19/2025 | Assessments will initiate efforts to contact institutions requiring FDICconnect registration |
5/26/2025 | Memorial Day Holiday |
6/6/2025 | Planned date to publish invoices |
6/6/2025 | Activate FDICconnect logon notification telling bankers of invoice availability when they logon to FDICconnect |
6/9/2025 | Send FDICconnect email notifying all banks of invoice availability |
6/10/2025 | Assessments will confirm receipt of FDICconnect emails regarding invoice publication |
6/13/2025 | Mandatory deadline day for making all invoices viewable (15 days prior to payment/collection date.) |
6/18/2025 | Invoice download reminders sent to all banks that have not downloaded |
6/19/2025 | Juneteenth Holiday |
6/25/2025 | Cut-off for submitting ACH Changes 5 pm Eastern Time ACH Payment Info |
6/26/2025 | Close invoice system and produce ACH file and reports |
6/27/2025 | Launch ACH file |
6/30/2025 | Invoice Payment Day |
7/1/2025 | Process returns |
7/2/2025 | Process returns |
7/2/2025 | Remove oldest invoice, Period FR1, payment date 06/30/2022, on FDICconnect |
7/3/2025 | Process residual returns |
7/3/2025 | Begin dishonoring new returns (3rd business day after Payment) |
7/4/2025 | July 4th Holiday |
7/30/2025 | Call Report data due from most banks |
8/4/2025 | Call Report data due from banks with two or more foreign offices |
8/18/2025 | Assessments will initiate efforts to contact institutions requiring FDICconnect registration |
9/1/2025 | Labor Day Holiday |
9/5/2025 | Planned date to publish invoices |
9/5/2025 | Activate FDICconnect logon notification telling bankers of invoice availability when they logon to FDICconnect |
9/8/2025 | Send FDICconnect email notifying all banks of invoice availability |
9/9/2025 | Assessments will confirm receipt of FDICconnect emails regarding invoice publication |
9/15/2025 | Mandatory deadline day for making all invoices viewable (15 days prior to payment/collection date) |
9/17/2025 | Invoice download reminders sent to all banks that have not downloaded |
9/24/2025 | Invoice download reminders sent to all banks that have not downloaded |
9/25/2025 | Cut-off for submitting ACH Changes 5 pm Eastern Time ACH Payment Info |
9/26/2025 | Close invoice system and produce ACH file and reports |
9/29/2025 | Launch ACH file |
9/30/2025 | Invoice Payment Day |
10/1/2025 | Process returns |
10/2/2025 | Process returns |
10/2/2025 | Remove oldest invoice, Period FR2, payment date 09/30/2022 on FDICconnect |
10/3/2025 | Process residual returns |
10/3/2025 | Begin dishonoring new returns (3rd business day after Payment) |
10/13/2025 | Columbus Day Holiday |
10/30/2025 | Call Report data due from most banks |
11/4/2025 | Call Report data due from banks with two or more foreign offices |
11/11/2025 | Veterans' Day Holiday |
11/17/2025 | Assessments will initiate efforts to contact institutions requiring FDICconnect registration |
11/27/2025 | Thanksgiving Holiday |
12/5/2025 | Planned date to publish invoices |
12/5/2025 | Activate FDICconnect logon notification telling bankers of invoice availability when they logon to FDICconnect |
12/8/2025 | Send FDICconnect email notifying all banks of invoice availability |
12/9/2024 | Assessments will confirm receipt of FDICconnect emails regarding invoice publication |
12/15/2025 | Mandatory deadline day for making all invoices viewable (15 days prior to payment/collection date) |
12/17/2025 | Invoice download reminders sent to all banks that have not downloaded |
12/24/2025 | Cut-off for submitting ACH Changes 3 pm Eastern Time (Note: early cut-off due to holidays) ACH Payment Info |
12/25/2025 | Christmas Day Holiday |
12/26/2025 | Close invoice system and produce ACH file and reports |
12/29/2025 | Launch ACH file |
12/30/2025 | Invoice Payment Day |
12/31/2025 | Process returns |