Money Smart for Older Adults at the Guilford County Family Justice Center
The Elder Justice Committee housed at the Guilford County Family Justice Center in North Carolina recently adapted the Money Smart for Older Adults curriculum. They created a workshop titled, “Friends against Fraud.”
This program is a highly engaging and interactive multidisciplinary luncheon presentation that aims to teach senior citizens how to protect themselves and their friends from becoming victims of fraud. It also teaches them how to get resources and support once someone has been victimized.
Following each workshop, each attendee receives a take-home packet that includes many handouts from the Money Smart for Older Adults curriculum.
So far, there have been 24 sessions. The attendee size has ranged from 10 attendees to over 100. COVID has slowed the program down, but the Committee is looking forward to picking back up the momentum and beginning in-person training in the near future.
The Committee has educated many senior citizens in their community. They partner with local community organizations to make the program a success. These partners include local neighborhood watch programs, senior congregate meal sites, faith-based institutions, assisted living communities, and a blend of community members.
The Committee offers the following tips for other users of Money Smart for Older Adults:
- Fraud and scam prevention, long term financial planning, and identification of resources can be shared and taught by many different methods.
- Think about how your expertise and experiences can be used to share the information in Money Smart for Older Adults.
- Provide hard copies of the curriculum for the participants to take home. Bulk copies of the Money Smart for Older Adults Resource Guide can be ordered for free.
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