AFDICA, the official alumni organization of the FDIC, was founded in 2016 as a 501(c) (3) organization and incorporated in the state of Delaware (pending formal recognition by the IRS as a nonprofit organization). As reflected in its motto, "Fellowship, Charity, Education," AFDICA provides members with the opportunity to gather for social events and to participate in charitable and educational activities, including delivering the FDIC's Money Smart curriculum to local communities.
AFDICA will also create a database of retirees and former employees who are willing to be a part of a ready reserve should the FDIC need their assistance in the future.
To learn more, go to the AFDICA website at
The alumni organization is not officially affiliated with the FDIC, and does not utilize any FDIC resources.
Retirees on Facebook
Informally, FDIC retirees can join a secured Facebook group maintained by John Weiss, Pat Karnes, and Mike Russcol.
To sign up, send an e-mail request to You will receive an email invitation describing the page and explaining how to join.