Chart 1 - The title is "CRE Loan Exposures Have Increased Significantly Among Banks Nationwide During the Past Five Years"
A line chart showing the increase in loan exposures among community, midtier and large banks nationwide. In fourth quarter 1984, the ratio of commercial real estate loans to assets was 4.51% among community banks, 5.01% among large banks, and 7.68% among midtier banks. In fourth quarter 1989, the ratio was 6.40% among community banks, 9.04% among large banks, and 13.23% among midtier banks. In fourth quarter 1994, the ratio was 8.39% among community banks, 8.92% among large banks, and 11.78% among midtier banks. In fourth quarter 1999, the ratio was 10.75% among community banks, 9.90% among large banks, and 15.68% among midtier banks. In fourth quarter 2003, the ratio was 15.24% among community banks, 13.10% among large banks, and 23.60% among midtier banks.