Deposit Insurance: An Annotated Bibliography 1989-1999
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) published Deposit Insurance: An Annotated Bibliography, 1989-1999, a compilation of a decade's worth of deposit insurancerelated research into one comprehensive reference source. The Annotated Bibliography is part of the FDIC's ongoing effort to assist policy makers and regulators around the world in the design and operation of deposit insurance systems and to promote additional research into deposit insurance issues.
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Complete book
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- General Deposit Insurance Theory and Policy
- Designing and Establishing Deposit Insurance Systems
- Pricing and Valuation of Insured Depository Institutions
- Regulation and Supervision of Insured Depository Institutions
- Role of Deposit Insurance in Bank Failures
- Economics of Deposit Insurance
- Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard, Risk, and Incentives
- Safety Nets, Deposit Insurance, and Subsidies
- Country- or Region-Specific
- Deposit Insurance Reform in the United States: Pre-FDICIA
- Deposit Insurance Reform in the United States: Post-FDICIA
- Legal Aspects of Deposit Insurance
- Too Big to Fail
- FDIC-Administered Insurance Funds
- Author Index
To order a hard copy of Deposit Insurance: An Annotated Bibliography 1989-1999 please visit the Online Catalog at https://catalog.fdic.gov/.
Annotated Bibliography - Update 2000-2003
This Update of the deposit insurance bibliography contains relevant materials for calendar years 2000-2003. As per the original, this Update includes citations and abstracts for books, journal articles, working papers, dissertations, conference proceedings, congressional hearings, and government and international agency reports that focus on deposit insurance. T