Investment Strategies - First Quarter 2023
Deposit Insurance Fund
Strategy for the 1st Quarter 2023
Invest up to $21 billion (par value) in AFS securities with maturities between June 30, 2023 and January 1, 2028.
Strategy Changes for the 2nd Quarter 2023
Maintain a minimum balance of $8 billion in the overnight account. Excess funds will be used to purchase overnight securities only.
National Liquidation Fund
Strategy for the 1st Quarter 2023
Maintain a minimum of $200 million in the Government Money Market Mutual Fundss and a maximum of $600 million in Agency Discount Notes.
Strategy Changes for the 2nd Quarter of 2023
Maintain a minimum balance of $1.0 billion in the FHLBNY overnight account. Invest excess funds in Government MMFs and agency discount notes of less than 6-month maturities.