Jonathan Pogach is the Deputy Director of Research and Regulatory Analysis in the FDIC’s Division of Insurance and Research. His research interests include systemically important financial institutions, dividend policy, internal capital markets at bank holding companies, and executive compensation. Among the issues he has worked on at the FDIC are: deposit insurance pricing, capital requirements, bank liquidity, and innovations in payments systems. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, from which he also obtained his undergraduate degrees.
Jonathan Pogach Curriculum Vitae - PDF (PDF Help)
Guntay, Levent, Stefan Jacewitz, and Jonathan Pogach. 2022. A Prudential Paradox: The Signal in (Not) Restricting Bank Dividends. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking.
Jonathan Pogach. 2018. Short Termism Of Executive Compensation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Vol. 148, 150-170.
Liu, Edith X. and Jonathan Pogach. 2017. "The Effect of Foreign Lending on Domestic Loans: an Analysis of US Global Banks" Economics Letters 156, 151-154.
Kennickell, Arthur B., Myron L. Kwast and Jonathan Pogach. 2017. Small Businesses and Small Business Finance during the Financial Crisis and the Great Recession: New Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances. Measuring Entrepreneurial Businesses: Current Knowledge and Challenges. University of Chicago Press.
Jacewitz, Stefan and Jonathan Pogach. 2016. Deposit Rate Advantages at the Largest Banks, Journal of Financial Services Research. 1-35.
Kim, Kyungmin and Jonathan Pogach. 2014. Honesty vs. Advocacy. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Vol. 105, 51-74.
Cass, David, Abhinash Borah, Maxym Kryshko, Antonio Penta and Jonathan Pogach. 2011. "Robustness of the Uniqueness of Walrasian Equilibrium with Cobb-Douglas Utilities." The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass. Vol. 21, 393.
Working Papers
Kutzbach, Mark and Jonathan Pogach. Bank Technology and the COVID-19 Pandemic. FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Paper No. 2022-02.
Jacewitz, Stefan and Jonathan Pogach. Shared Destinies? Small Banks and Small Business Consolidation. FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Paper No. 2020-04.
Pogach, Jonathan and Haluk Unal. Banks’ Nonbank Affiliates. FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Paper No. 2018-01.
Liu, Edith X. and Jonathan Pogach. 2017. Global Banks and Syndicated Loan Spreads: Evidence from U.S. Banks. FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Papers No. 2017-01.