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Asset Sales

The FDIC, as receiver for a failed bank, has a number of legal responsibilities, one of which is to maximize recovery on assets. To fulfill these responsibilities, the FDIC employs a variety of strategies to manage and sell the assets retained from failed banks. Learn more about each type of asset sale.

Last Updated: June 7, 2024
Real Estate and Property Sales
The FDIC sells real estate retained from failed banks.
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Loan Sales
The FDIC sells loans retained from failed banks in pools through sealed-bid sales.
Joint Venture Transactions
The FDIC uses joint ventures to sell equity interests in newly formed entities holding large numbers of assets retained from failed banks.
Other Asset Sales
The FDIC sells various other assets retained from bank failures such as office furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
Mortgage Servicing Rights Sales
The FDIC sells mortgage servicing rights retained from failed banks.
Securities Sales
The FDIC sells stocks, bonds, and other securities retained from failed banks.

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