March 31, 2021
The QBP Graph Book, consisting of quarterly highlights, charts, and graphs, accompanies the Quarterly Banking Profile. Beginning with the September 2020 quarter, the data table appears first; the associated graph can be accessed with the “View Graph” link above each table. PDF versions of the full graph book are available at the "Complete Color" link at the bottom of the page. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing the Graph Book in PDF format.
Complete Color - PDF QBP Graph Book
Industry Totals
- Number of FDIC-Insured Institutions
- Assets of FDIC-Insured Institutions
- Number of FDIC-Insured "Problem" Institutions
- Assets of FDIC-Insured "Problem" Institutions
Quarterly Income
- Quarterly Net Income
- Quarterly Net Interest Margins, Annualized
- Major Factors Affecting Earnings Contributions to Pretax Earnings Growth (Billions)
- Quarterly Return on Assets (ROA), Annualized
- Quarterly Return on Equity (ROE), Annualized
- Quarterly Yield on Earning Assets
- Quarterly Cost of Funding Earning Assets
Balance Sheet
- Total Assets
- Total Loans (Gross of Reserves)
- Total Deposits
- Capital Ratios
- Loan Portfolio Composition
- Quarterly Loan Growth Rates
- Twelve-Month Loan Growth Rates
- Quarterly Change in Domestic Deposits
Loan Performance