The enclosed materials pertain to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) for the June 30, 2003, report date. Please complete your second quarter Call Report, review it for accuracy, and submit the report electronically as soon as possible. Except for certain banks with foreign offices, your completed report must be received by July 30, 2003, in accordance with the filing requirements discussed below. No extensions of time for submitting reports are granted. If you complete the preparation, editing, and review of your Call Report before the submission deadline, please file the report immediately rather than waiting. Early submission aids the banking agencies in their editing, review, and analysis of the reports. If you later find that certain information needs to be revised, please make the appropriate changes to your Call Report and promptly submit the revised data. In the Call Report for this quarter, banks are required to report the number and amount currently outstanding of loans to small businesses and small farms (Schedule RC-C, part II) and the number of deposit accounts of $100,000 or less (Schedule RC-O, Memorandum item 1.a.(2)). This information is collected only as of the June 30 report date each year. A sample set of June 30, 2003, report forms and a Call Report instruction book update are enclosed. The sample forms and the Call Report instructions also are available on both the FFIEC's Web site ( and the FDIC's Web site ( ). Each bank must file its June 30, 2003, Call Report in one of the following two ways:
The filing of a Call Report that is submitted electronically to EDS by modem will be considered timely if it is transmitted to EDS no later than July 30, 2003. A bank that submits its Call Report to EDS on a computer diskette must make sure that the diskette is properly addressed, mailed first class, and postmarked on or before July 27, 2003, to be considered filed on time. Alternatively, a bank may send the diskette to EDS using an overnight delivery system no later than July 29, 2003. However, a computer diskette that EDS cannot read will not be accepted and the bank must resubmit its report in readable form. This may result in EDS receiving the bank's Call Report data file after the submission deadline. Please note that EDS' mailing address has changed, effective this quarter, to EDS Call Report Services, 13890 Bishops Drive, Suite 110, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005. A bank that has or has had more than one foreign office, other than a "shell" branch or an International Banking Facility, is permitted an additional 15 days to complete its Call Report. Such a bank is required to electronically transmit its report to EDS no later than August 14, 2003. For further information or assistance concerning the Call Report, state member banks should contact their Federal Reserve District Bank. National and FDIC-supervised banks should contact the FDIC's Reports Analysis and Quality Control Section in Washington, D.C., by telephone at (800) 688 FDIC (3342), Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, or by e-mail at Thank you for your cooperation.
Distribution: Insured Commercial Banks and FDIC-Supervised Savings Banks |
Last Updated 4/12/2005 | |