FDIC Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights
The FDIC’s Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights is a publication that features articles of interest to the banking industry. Its purpose is to enhance transparency regarding the FDIC’s consumer compliance supervisory activities and provide a high-level overview of consumer compliance issues identified in 2020 through the FDIC’s supervision of state non-member banks and thrifts. Topics include a summary of the FDIC’s supervisory approach in response to COVID-19, supervisory observations related to consumer protection laws, examples of practices that may be useful to institutions in mitigating risks, regulatory developments, and consumer compliance resources.
Statement of Applicability: This Financial Institution Letter (FIL) applies to all FDIC-supervised financial institutions.
This FDIC publication provides an overview of consumer compliance issues identified through the FDIC’s supervision of state non-member banks and thrifts in 2020.
This edition of the FDIC’s Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights includes:
- A summary of the FDIC’s supervisory approach in response to COVID-19;
- A description of the most frequently cited violations and other consumer compliance examination observations;
- Information on regulatory developments; and
- A summary of consumer compliance resources and information available to financial institutions.
FDIC-Supervised Institutions
Suggested Routing:
Chief Executive Officer
Compliance Officer