Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Office of Thrift Supervision
Interagency Statement on the Purchase and Risk Management of Life Insurance
Common Types of Life Insurance
Life insurance can be categorized into two broad types: temporary (also called "term") insurance and permanent insurance. There are numerous variations of these products. However, most life insurance policies fall within one (or a combination) of the following categories.
- Whole Life - A traditional form of permanent insurance designed so that fixed premiums are paid for the entire life of the insured. Death benefit protection is provided for the entire life of the insured, assuming all premiums are paid.
- Universal Life - A form of permanent insurance designed to provide flexibility in premium payments and death benefit protection. The policyholder can pay maximum premiums and maintain a very high CSV. Alternatively, the policyholder can make minimal payments in an amount just large enough to cover mortality and other insurance charges.
Purposes For Which Institutions Commonly Purchase Life Insurance
- Endorsement Split-Dollar - The employer owns the policy and controls all rights of ownership. The employer provides the employee an endorsement of the portion of the death benefit specified in the plan agreement with the employee. The employee may designate a beneficiary for the designated portion of the death benefit. Under this arrangement, the employer typically holds the policy until the employee's death. At that time, the employee's beneficiary receives the designated portion of the death benefits, and the employer receives the remainder of the death benefits.
- Collateral Assignment Split Dollar - The employee owns the policy and controls all rights of ownership. Under these arrangements, the employer usually pays the entire premium or a substantial part of the premium. The employee assigns a collateral interest in the policy to the employer that is equal to the employer's interest in the policy. The employer's interest in the policy is set forth in the split-dollar agreement between the employer and the employee. Upon retirement, the employee may have an option to buy the employer's interest in the insurance policy. This transfer of the employer's interest to the employee is typically referred to as a "roll out." If a "roll-out" is not provided or exercised, the employer does not receive its interest in the policy until the employee's death.
13 68 Fed. Reg. 54336 (Sept. 17, 2003), chiefly codified at 26 CFR 1.61-22 and 1.7872-15.
14 Split-dollar arrangements entered into prior to September 17, 2003, and not materially modified thereafter may be treated differently.
15 The OCC has generally directed national banks to surrender or divest permanent life insurance acquired for DPC within 90 days of obtaining control of the policy.