From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:51 PM
To: Comments
Subject: Community Reinvestment -- RIN 3064-AC50
Dear Mr. Powell:
I oppose the FDIC's proposal to allow banks with assets above $250
million to be examined as small banks under the Community Reinvestment
Act. This policy would reduce lending, investments and services in
low-income communities.
As a not for profit executive active in early childhood literacy
education and public charter schools, I can testify that the CRA is a
critical tool for making educational facilities more affordable. These
are two initiatives near and dear to the President, as you know from the
great work that was done in Texas under Governor Bush.
I appreciateyour consideration of my comments in the formulation of
the FDIC's policies.
Best regards,
Jack McCarthy
Managing Director
AppleTree Institute for Education Innovation
907 6th Street, SW -- Suite 615
Washington, DC 20024
202.488.3990 Telephone
202.488.3991 Facsimile
508.294.6099 Cell
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