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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: Gail Jensen-Bigknife [mailto:gjbigknife@Securitybusinessbank.com]
I wanted to comment on the cost of the Debt Guarantee program,
particularly as it relates to smaller community banks. The fixed fee of 75
bp is very high when compared to current market rates. If the Fed Funds rate
gets lowered again today, we community banks will suffer even more from the
extreme margin compression we are currently experiencing. When you add to
that the high fee for us to opt into this program, it becomes a program that
we can’t afford. Please consider lowering the fee to 25bp or index the fee
to the Fed Funds Target rate so that it becomes affordable for community
banks as well. Gail Jensen-Bigknife | EVP & Chief Credit Officer Security Business Bank of San Diego
Last Updated 10/29/2008 | Regs@fdic.gov |