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FDIC Federal Register Citations
From: Marc
Greene Please accept this email as our comments on the 75 basis point premium on the temporary liquidity program. In today’s environment, we believe that a premium of such amount will continue to impair the banking industry from recovery by increasing cost. At the present time, margins in the industry continue to suffer due to the increased demand for liquidity for all of the financial industry. Our bank continues to maintain strong liquidity. We have worked very hard to build a strong core customer base. We feel we should be able to participate in the Temporary Guarantee program to guarantee our fed funds lines to our correspondent banks. We believe the Treasury and the FDIC have put into place programs that have a great opportunity to restore confidence in the financial services industry. Thanks you for accepting our comments on these important issues. Please give me a call should you have any questions.
Marc Greene
Last Updated 11/05/2008 | Regs@fdic.gov |