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FDIC Federal Register Citations
November 2008 Sheila Bair FDIC Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 550 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20429-9990 As a Florida Banker, I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposed FDIC Surcharge on Brokered Deposits. We understand that the FDIC has proposed a new rule that will impose an insurance premium surcharge on brokered deposits of certain banks, and that surcharge, as now constructed, will also apply to CDARS Reciprocal deposits. CDARS is a deposit swapping service that enables banks to provide their customers with access to millions of dollars of FDIC-insured certificates of deposits. CDARS allows banks to exchange customer deposits with one another so that their customers can obtain FDIC protection while the banks can retain the funding. If the FDIC policy penalizes the use of brokered funding by certain institutions, it will also penalize the use of CDARS- impairing a stable funding source at precisely the time when is most needed. Moreover, including CDARS in a category of deposits that is being subject to a special risk assessment, will stigmatize what everyone agrees is a good product. CDARS Reciprocal behaves like stable core deposits. They have a high reinvestment rate - 83% in 2008. They are overwhelmingly gathered within the relationship bank's geographic footprint - 80% of CDARS placements are made within 5 miles of the bank's branch location. The rates for these deposits are set by local competitive markets, not a national market. Since CDARS deposits are built on established customer relationships, demonstrate a high degree of "stickiness" and are insulated from any rate volatility in the national CD market, they should be treated like core deposits. Therefore, we believe CDARS should not be subject to any new premium surcharge or tax, which the FDIC may be considering for brokered deposits. In closing, CDARS deposits should be excluded from the Notice's definition of brokered deposit. Moreover, we see no reason why CDARS deposits should be considered as brokered in the first place. This institution respectfully asks the FDIC to support legislation to exclude CDARS Reciprocal deposits from the definition of "brokered deposits" in the next Congress. We believe doing so would clarify any uncertainty that would remain in the wake of an FDIC exemption in the risk-based assessment rule. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Last Updated 11/05/2008 | Regs@fdic.gov |