From: Grant Moser []
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 1:33 PM
To: Comments
Subject: RIN 3064-AC50
Robert E. Feldman
Executive Secretary
Attention: Comments/Legal ISS
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20429-9990.
Re: RIN 3064-AC50
Gentlemen, Re RIN 3064-AC50:
I strongly oppose the proposed rule changing the Community Reinvestment
regulations. In my opinion, it will really undermine rural communities.
Please do not adopt this rule.
The Community Reinvestment Act is the most successful community
revitalization program in the nation's history. So far, it has made
than $1.5 trillion available, much of it to developers and nonprofit
that build affordable housing for the elderly and disabled people,
as well
as to medical clinics and other projects that would never get built
if they
were left to the private sector.
The proposed changes could allow more than a thousand banks to back
from their community development obligations, leaving consumers in
states with worse banking services, and the communities themselves
devoid of
badly needed development projects. Communities could find themselves
back in
the days when there was no support.
Again, I respectfully submit my opposition to the proposed rule
changing the
Community Reinvestment Act regulations. In my opinion, it will really
undermine rural communities. Please do not adopt this rule.
Grant Moser
36 West 15th Street, Apt. 2
New York NY 10011