From: Ankeny, Loryn []
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 3:34 PM
To: Comments
Subject: "RIN 3064-AC50" -to support moderate and low income from unjust
Despite the successes of community development locally and
nationally, the banks and thrift institutions that provided the loans,
services, and investments to build new homes, businesses, and community
facilities may no longer have the impetus to do so if the FDIC raises
the comprehensive CRA exam threshold.
I agree with the National Congress for Community Economic Development
that this proposed change would have a devastating effect on affordable
housing and community development investment throughout the nation,
particularly in rural areas.
This regulatory change would create harsh disadvantages for the poor
and middle income families in urban, suburban and rural communities.
Fairness in lending and accessible economic solutions should be
available for all, but especially the already financially over-burdened,
at least in some way, shape or form.
Please rescind your proposal.
Loryn Ankeny
219 S. Kaspar
Arlington Hts., IL 60005