September 8, 2004
Mr. Robert E. Feldman Executive Secretary
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
ATTN: Comments/Legal ESS
550 17th Street NW
Washington DC 20429
RE: RIN 3064-AC5: Small Bank Thresholds
Community Reinvestment Act
Affordable Housing Program dollars
cc: Senator Diane Feinstein (Fax#: 202-228-3954)
Senator Barbara
Boxer (Fax#: 213-894-5042
NAAHL (Fax# 202-293-9852)
County Supervisor John Flynn (Fax# 805-487-7692)
Dear Sir:
As a person actively involved in grant funding for numerous
nonprofits in Ventura County, CA, including those doing affordable
housing, I wanted to bring to your attention a new regulation by the
Office of Thrift Supervision (OFS) to raise the "small bank" threshold
used for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) examinations from $250 million
to $1 billion. Since you regulate many more banks that OFS, I am
appealing to you to not change this threshold.
If this change is adopted, the number of fully examined banks in
California would drop to only 63 banks--a 58% loss! This will reduce
access to capital for community development organizations seeking bank
support for affordable housing, child care, nursing homes, job programs,
redevelopment, graffiti removal and all sorts of other facilities.
Please reconsider this new regulation—it could badly hurt many people
in California where the cost of living is extremely high and the dream
of home ownership or even living in decent housing is very limited for
many—including middle class workers and many hard working immigrants in
our area. Thank you for reconsidering your support of this threshold
Kathy Kramer, MPA
Consultant/Grant Writer
Kramer Consulting
659 Summer Tree Ct
Simi Valley, CA 93065 805-955-9364 |