From: Serena Rice []
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:00 AM
To: Comments
Subject: Oppose Efforts to Weaken CRA RIN number 3064-AC50
Serena Rice
106 Sunset Rd.
Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502
October 4, 2004
Dear Federal Deposit Insurance Commission:
As a researcher and policy analyst who studies the need for low
income housing on a daily basis I am appalled that the FDIC is
considering steps that would, de facto, reduce the development of such
housing. While many individuals and even institutions recognize the
importance of community development, particularly development of
affordable housing, banks and thrift institutions that provide the
resources for investment in such projects also need incentives to
continue investing in community resources. If the FDIC raises the
comprehensive CRA exam threshold, 2,000 institutions will lose that
I agree with the National Congress for Community Economic Development
that this proposed change would have a devastating effect on affordable
housing and community development investment throughout the nation,
in rural areas.
The FDIC proposes that the community development loans and
investments in rural areas can benefit any group of individuals, not
just low- and moderate-income individuals. Currently, banks have to
finance affordable housing and economic development projects that target
low- and moderate-income borrowers and neighborhoods. Under the proposed
changes, nothing in the CRA regulations would prevent banks from earning
CRA points for financing developments with no community development
benefit whatsoever. Moreover, the one part exams would cover 99 percent
of all FDIC-supervised banks located in rural areas.
President Bush’s comments promoting an "Ownership Society" are truly
disingenuous if the actions of officials he appointed are undermining
proven laws that revitalize communities, increase minority
homeownership, and increase small business ownership for women and
Please rescind your proposal.
Serena Rice |