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FDIC Federal Register Citations Habitat for Humanity Lake County, Illinois Hello, In my work with the low-income population of northern Illinois I am alarmed at the proposed legislation to allow banks with assets above $250 million to be examined as small banks under the Community Reinvestment Act. I strongly oppose the FDIC's proposal because this policy would reduce lending, investments and services in low-income communities. Daily I see people struggling with their finances who utilize the corner “paycheck cashing -money to go banking system” instead of being able to access true banking systems. I invest a great deal of time teaching people about banking and attempting to convince them that “banks are their friend”. I am appalled that the FDIC would propose a policy which is a gigantic step backward to developing customers in this ever-growing segment of our population. Julie Donovan
Last Updated 11/01/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |