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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: John Wassilak [mailto:jwassilak@fcnbanks.com] As a community bank, we support the FDIC proposal to raise the CRA
streamlined small bank examination threshold to $1 billion. CRA examinations
continue to show that community banks overall, meet the credit needs of the
communities they serve. We also believe that the FDIC should adopt its
original $500 million threshold without a community development(CD)
criterion. Community Banks up to $500 million now hold about the same
percent of overall industry assets as community banks up to $250,000 did a
decade ago, when CRA was revised. We also oppose making the CD criterion on
a separate test for CRA evaluations as the current small bank test already
considers our overall lending in the community. This would create additional
regulatory burden which defeats the purpose of a more streamlined exam.
Since we are in a rural area, we also support the inclusion of rural
residents in the definition of community development. With the level of bank
regulation at an all time high, you have the opportunity to provide
regulatory relief to community banks and at the same time, leave the intent
of CRA in place.
Last Updated 11/06/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |