FDIC Federal Register Citations
From: Vicky Gochenour [mailto:vgochenour@columbus.in.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:22 AM
To: Comments
Subject: Oppose Efforts to Weaken CRA RIN number 3064-AC50
Vicky Gochenour
123 Washington Street
Columbus, IN 47201
October 18, 2004
Federal Deposit Insurance Commission
Dear Federal Deposit Insurance Commission:
Despite the successes of community development locally and nationally,
banks and thrift institutions that provide the loans, services, and
investments to build new homes, businesses, and community facilities
no longer have the impetus to do so if the FDIC raises the comprehensive
CRA exam threshold.
I agree with the National Congress for Community Economic Development
this proposed change would have a devastating effect on affordable housing
and community development investment throughout the nation, particularly
in rural areas. The proposed community development criterion is not a
replacement for ensuring adequate services and investment reach low-
moderate-income individuals and communities. Successful development must
be targeted to lower income individuals and/or communities, not rural
areas generally.
Please rescind your proposal.
Vicky L. Gochenour