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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: Doug Bauer [mailto:dbauer@rockpa.org] I'm writing to add my voice to the growing chorus of individuals and organizations that are voicing their opposition to the alteration of the Community Reinvestment Act. Allowing smaller financial institutions to opt out of CRA would have a negative impact in our communities -- especially small to mid cities and rural communities. There has been far too much good that has been created with the $1.5 trillion investment made by banks and other financial institutions through CRA. This size of investment cannot and will not be picked up by increased charitable/philanthropic investment. The math and economics is not simply there to create the kind of investment we, as a nation, have nurtured and encouraged over the years through CRA. I encourage those in the federal government with oversight responsibility of CRA to think twice before making this decision. Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion. Regards, Doug Bauer Douglas Bauer |
Last Updated 11/12/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |