CASHMERE VALLEY BANK From: Cashmere Valley
Bank, Ken Martin []
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 3:13 PM
To: Comments
Subject: Community Reinvestment -- RIN 3064-AC50
September 3, 2004
Cashmere Valley Bank is a $625 million eight branch bank located in
Chelan, Douglas and Kittitas Counties in Central Washington State. The
total population of the 3 counties is approximatly 140,000.
We are a big bank under the current CRA rules.
We achieved big bank status by meeting the banking needs of a
significant portion of the citizens located in the counties we serve. We
are active in every type of lending and deposit product that our
customers need to be successful.
It would be difficult to find an activity in our market that the bank
is not an active participant.
Therefore I support raising the definition of big bank for CRA
purposes to $1 billion. Not because it will change what we do, but
because it lessen the resouces dedicated to reporting what we do.
Ken Martin
President and CEO
Cashmere Valley Bank