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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: summerslaw@att.net [mailto:summerslaw@att.net] Mr. Feldman: Excuse my bluntness -- but is the FDIC about to allow (inadvertently or otherwise) a reversion to redlining? That is exactly the effect of your proposed "oh, just pick one of three" rule relaxation regarding the Community Reinvestment Act. History shows that if banks don't HAVE to invest in the communities from whence their deposits come, they probably won't. (It seems to me that this was precisely the point of the CRA in the first place!) In short -- don't evicerate the CFA. Don't cause our cities and towns and neighborhoods to once again hemmorhage their very own capital. REQUIRE banks to invest in the same people and communities that invest in the banks themselves. Please withdraw the proposed rule. Thank you. Very truly yours, Scott K. Summers
Last Updated 11/15/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |