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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: jroberson [mailto:jroberson@machlink.com] Robert E. Feldman, Executive Secretary Re: RIN 3064-AC50 To Who It May Concern-regarding RIN 3064-AC50 I oppose the FDIC's proposal to allow banks with assets above $250 million to be examined as small banks under the Community Reinvestment Act. This policy would reduce lending, investments and services in low income communities. Low income communities in our area benefit from the Community Reinvestment Act as it is now implemented. Making the proposed changes in the CRA would cause those low income communities who rely on small banks to supply low cost loans to suffer the loss of needed funds. Low income families and the people who work with them to supply their very basic needs face enough challenges in our society. Please do not adopt this policy. Thank you for your attention to my concerns. Sincerely,
Last Updated 11/16/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |