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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: Todd Henning [mailto:todd@bakerhenning.com] To Whom it may Concern: I am a worker in the affordable housing industry that makes use of the Community Reinvestment Act. I occasionally meet with the local bankers involved in the funding of affordable housing through the CRA. I find that it is a great incentive for them to participate and after the initial participation they take a great deal of pride in their involvement. In addition, it is an extraordinary effective way of educating all exposed to the realities of the need for quality affordable housing and the service and benefits that it provides the community. Once aware of these issues, this people are informed and capable of spreading the truth about the value of these projects to others less informed. This is community involvement at its finest. Without the CRA, I am afraid that this involvement and eventual community pride would not be created within these individuals. In addition, as people at the bank move up the promotion scale, new bankers are exposed to the issues and needs involved in providing quality affordable housing, and again involved in the spreading the truth of the community benefits involved. Also, any and all sources of funding are extremely important to the continuation of providing these benefits to the community. PLEASE, do not put the FDIC PROPOSED CRA "STREAMLINED" EXAM into effect. It will only hurt the local communities. Todd Henning
Last Updated 11/16/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |