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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: Christopher
J. Rixon [mailto:chris@masonsisland.net] I am writing to express my concern over the possibility of the loss
of some teeth to, and therefore some compliance with, the CRA. As a developer
of affordable rental housing, the constant challenge is to find funding
sources that allow for the possibility of leveraging other federal, state
and local funds to make this segment of the housing market, a segment
that only exists by virtue of these tools, viable and available for a
growing segment of the population, specifically the elderly. While I
am well-aware of the cost of government regulation, particularly on small
business like myself, you should see what I am subjected to in order
to develop an affordable housing project though the myriad of state and
local approvals.
Last Updated 11/16/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |