September 23, 2003
Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Secretary
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
20th Street and Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20551
Attention: Docket No. R-1151
Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency
250 E Street, SW
Mailstop 1-5
Washington, D.C. 20219
Attention: Docket No. 03-10 |
Robert E.
Executive Secretary
Attention: Comments/OES
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20429 |
Chief Counsel's Office
Office of Thrift Supervision
1700 G. Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20522
Attention Docket No. 2003-20
Re: Regulatory Publication and Review Under the Economic Growth and
Regulatory Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1996
68 FR 35589 (June 16, 2003)
Dear Sir or Madam:
America's Community Bankers ("ACB" )1 is pleased to
comment on the federal banking agencies' (the "agencies")2
review of regulatory burden imposed on insured depository institutions.3
Required by section 2222 of the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1996 ("EGRPRA"),4 the agencies are reviewing
and identifying outdated, unnecessary, and unduly burdensome regulatory
requirements. This comment letter responds to the request for comments
for two of the first substantive areas identified for review:
"Applications and Reporting" and "Powers and Activities."
ACB Position
ACB strongly supports efforts to reduce regulatory burden of insured
depository institutions. Reviewing and eliminating unnecessary
regulations will free up funds for community banks to invest in their
communities and better serve their customers' financial needs. Moreover,
reducing regulatory burden will enable insured depository institutions
to compete with less regulated or unregulated financial service
providers. Any reduction in regulatory burden should not be done at the
expense of safety and soundness.
Generally, ACB suggests the following regulatory changes:
• Eliminate unnecessary applications for well performing banks;
• Streamline the OTS holding company application;
• Publish a list of approved and denied activities;
• Institute and encourage electronic filing; and
• Modernize Call Reports and Thrift Financial Reports.
In addition, we urge the agencies to consider submitting the
following suggested legislative changes for Congressional action:
• Ease restrictions on interstate banking and branching;
• Exempt well-capitalized savings associations from dividend notice
• Expand federal savings association business lending authority;
• Increase commercial real estate lending authority for savings
• Update the Bank Service Company Act;
• Update community development investment authority;
• Eliminate the loan-to-one-borrower residential housing exception;
• Provide equitable treatment for institutions offering fiduciary
Applications and Reporting: Suggested Regulatory Changes
In addition to a number of specific suggested changes in the
applications area, ACB generally supports the development and
implementation of as streamlined and uniform process as possible. We
suggest that the agencies revise their procedures to provide what are
now routine applications will instead be handled as after-the-fact
notice filings. This may be restricted to institutions that have
composite ratings of I or 2, are well managed, and have satisfactory CRA
ratings. These applications are invariably approved, and eliminating
them in favor of after-the-fact notice filings will reduce costs and
regulatory burden for the agencies and the affected institutions alike.
Examples of applications that can be replaced by notice filings include
applications relating to the establishment of branches in states where
the applicant already has a branch, relocation of branches not involving
branch closures, and applications relating to the establishment of
subsidiaries of all kinds. The following are specific suggestions that
we believe would create more streamlined and efficient process.
Eliminate Unnecessary Applications for Well Performing Banks.
ACB believes that applications of a routine nature should be eliminated
or replaced with expedited notification requirements for institutions
with sound capital positions, a CAMELS rating of I or 2, and, where
appropriate, a satisfactory or outstanding CRA rating. Specifically, a
notice requirement should replace applications for:
• Branch applications;5
• Assisted acquisitions; and
• Well-performing institutions seeking to engage in certain new
activities through a
The agencies routinely approve applications submitted by strong
institutions. Instituting a notice requirement would expedite the
ability of well-managed insured depository institutions to offer
services to additional communities and would enhance competition. The
institution would not have to expend the resources or the time on the
full application process unless a problem is found with the application
or the institution.
In addition, we request the agencies to shorten the application
processing time for any activities that would still require regulatory
approval. Furthermore, applications for transactions that are reviewed
by other regulators should be waived or a process developed to expedite
the review process. For example, current law requires all state savings
associations to give the FDIC and the OTS 30 days notice prior to
establishing or acquiring a subsidiary or conducting a new activity in
an existing subsidiary.7 ACB supports eliminating the
requirement that state savings associations provide this notice to the
FDIC. It is duplicative and unnecessary for safety and soundness
As part of the review of the rules applicable to applications, we
strongly recommend the agencies to evaluate which applications can be
delegated to the applicable regional office for action. In particular,
we urge the OTS to amend the rules governing mutual holding companies to
provide that applications for routine matters may be submitted to and
approved by the appropriate regional office.
Applications. The OTS regulations governing applications were
revised and updated in 1997. Many of the requirements were amended to
conform as much as possible to the requirements of the other agencies.
One example of a requirement that we believe should be reviewed again is
the section establishing meeting procedures.8 We suggest that the agency
reconsider this section and conform it to the application meeting
requirements established by the other agencies. This subpart provides
that OTS will grant an informal meeting, followed by a formal meeting
with the parties interested in an application if the procedures in the
regulation are followed. We believe that this series of meetings is
sometimes requested to delay the consideration of applications. We urge
the OTS to amend this section to provide that informal and formal
meetings are not, in fact, automatically granted but will be granted, if
Applications for federal deposit insurance. ACB understands
and appreciates the need for the FDIC to have a stringent process in
place for applications to be submitted by applicants seeking deposit
insurance. We have two suggestions in connection with applications for
deposit insurance that we believe can be in place without sacrificing
the safety and soundness of the deposit insurance funds or introducing
risk to the funds. The first is with regard to deposit insurance
applications submitted by credit unions that are converting to a savings
association charter. We urge the FDIC to reconsider requiring that the
federally insured converting credit union be treated as a de novo. This
includes having an eight percent capital requirement for a three-year
period. We point out that these converting credit unions are ongoing
financial institutions with the same management after conversion. They
are not really de novo institutions.
The other area is an OTS requirement that trust only savings
associations are required to have deposit insurance. These types of
institutions do not accept deposits and we believe that it is
unnecessary for them to have to obtain deposit insurance.
Streamlining the OTS Holding Company Application Process. In
general, the OTS H(e) application is filed when one savings
association or holding company (the "applicant") intends to acquire
another savings association or holding company (the "association").
There are situations in which the H(e) application is the only
appropriate application, however, its requirements do not fit the
circumstances. As a result, there are certain items in the H(e)
application that may be unnecessary or overly burdensome depending on
the situation.
For example, this may occurs when: the applicant is a large
institution; the applicant is well-known to the OTS; having been
registered as a savings and loan holding company for more than three
years; or the proposed transaction is simply an internal reorganization
of an existing institutional structure.
In order to facilitate the process for both the applicant and the
regulators, we suggest that the process be amended and streamlined when
one of these situations occur.
• The OTS holding company application regulation requires
publication of the notice of the application "in the business section"
of the newspaper.9 This requirement differs from the
requirement in the OTS regulations promulgated under authority Bank
Merger Act.10 We suggest that these requirements should be
consistent. The statutory provisions governing applications by holding
companies do not require publication of notice in the business section
of the newspaper.11 Compliance with this publication can be
costly in major metropolitan areas. Newspapers have separate business
sections and advertising space is expensive. We suggest that the
requirements for publication should conform to those applicable to
bank mergers.
• The requirements for the initial date of publication also differ.
In fact, the publication requirements for H(e) applications generally
are inconsistent with the requirements for Bank Merger Act
applications. For example, for H(e)1-S applications involving an
interim savings association and for H(e)(3) applications (which
involve a merger of a previously non-affiliated existing savings
association and an existing subsidiary of the holding company), the
publication of notice must follow the regulations under the Bank
Merger Act in addition to following the different requirements for
publication of notices related to other holding company applications.
In order to facilitate this process, we recommend that the OTS make
these requirements consistent.
• Item 110.20(d) requires a list of affiliated persons and
affiliates that are not controlling shareholders, officers, director,
or companies listed on the organizational chart. This requirement is
burdensome because it requires the applicant to list: spouses and
members of the immediate family of officers and directors; and
officers who have been excluded by the board of directors from
participating in major policy making functions. Instead we propose
that the list be limited to those affiliated persons (as defined in 12
C.F.R. § 561.5) who are officers participating in major policy-making
functions of applicant, at least if the stock of the applicant is
publicly held and no shareholder (including spouses and members of the
immediate family of the shareholder) owns or controls more than 10
percent of the outstanding shares of any class of securities of the
• Item 110.40 requires detailed information on current or proposed
ownership of the applicant and entities to be acquired. In the case of
an internal reorganization, it may be more efficient to streamline
this item because no new entities are involved.
• Item 210.20 requires information about the applicant's business.
In order to expedite the process and eliminate information that is
already known or readily available to the OTS in other reported
materials, we suggest limiting or eliminating this requirement if: the
application is for approval of an internal reorganization; or
applicant is well-known to the OTS.
• Item 210.50 requests information on all commercial activities of
the applicant or its affiliates as well as information on any
commercial entity stock holdings of five percent or more held by the
applicant or its affiliates. This item is unnecessary if the applicant
is well known to the regulators because the information would be
readily known and/or available to the regulators in other reported
• As with Item 110.20(d), Item 220.30 requires a list of affiliated
persons and affiliates that are not controlling shareholders,
officers, director, or companies listed on the organizational chart.
We believe that this item is overly broad because it requires the
applicant to list the following persons: spouses and members of the
immediate family of officers and directors; and officers who have been
excluded by the board of directors from participating in major policy
making functions. We suggest that the list be limited to those
affiliated persons (as defined in 12 C.F.R. § 561.5) who are officers
participating in major policy-making functions of the applicant.
• Item 410.10(c) requires information on management officials. We
suggest that this requirement be narrowed to apply only to officers
who have been not been excluded by the board of directors from
participating in major policy making functions.
• Item 410.20 requires an applicant to submit a report on Form
1623, an OTS fingerprint card and the Applicant Certification in Form
1606 for any director or senior executive officer of an applicant and
for any director or senior executive officer of a target holding
company or a subsidiary savings association who has served in such
capacity for less than a one year period on the date of filing of the
application and who has not previously submitted such information to
the OTS. We request that this requirement be reconsidered for holding
companies whose directors are elected by shareholders, if the shares
of the company's stock are publicly held and widely traded.
• Item 510.10 requires a detailed description of future prospects
of the entities in the resulting corporate structure. When the
acquisition involves an internal reorganization, we believe a
streamlined response is appropriate.
• In addition, Item 510.10(a)(1) states that the applicant should
consider economic conditions "in the respective industry and
geographic areas" where the entities operate. This requirement appears
to be unnecessarily burdensome in the following circumstances: the OTS
is familiar with the applicant and is familiar with the industry and
geographic areas where the applicant operates; the application is for
approval of an internal reorganization; or the application is for
approval of an acquisition of a savings association that operates in
only a relatively small geographic area.
• Item 620.10 requires a general description of requirements under
the Community Reinvestment Act. When the acquisition involves an
internal reorganization, we suggest that a streamlined response.
• Items 720.10 and 720.30 request a list of all offices, agencies,
mobile facilities of the resulting institution, and a list of all
location changes, closings and branch applications, respectively.
These lists are overly burdensome for an applicant that owns a large
savings institution, and unnecessary for a savings association that is
well known to the OTS. As an alternative, we propose that the list be
limited to those locations affected by the transaction.
OTS Change of Control and Merger Rules. ACB suggests that the
agency undertake a review of these regulations. Currently, there are
provisions that are not consistent with the regulations of the other
agencies. In particular, the regulations should be made as similar as
possible to those of the interagency Bank Merger Act implementing
regulations. A specific example is in 12 CFR 563.22(c), which requires
the OTS to approve a bulk transfer not in the ordinary course of
business. The regional offices have discretion to determine what is in
the ordinary course of business. We suggest that this provision be
consistent with the requirements of the other agencies.
Mutual Holding Company Regulations. Several years ago the OTS
began approving mutual holding companies with multiple tiers. We urge
the OTS to consider permitting the middle tier entity of a multiple
mutual holding company to be a state-charted entity. Currently the
middle tier entity is required to be an OTS chartered federal entity.
While there is no specific authority for multiple tier holding
companies, the OTS has shown regulatory flexibility in permitting such
mutual holding companies for a number of reasons. We suggest that such
intermediate mutual holding companies should be state chartered. This
would encourage mutual holding companies by permitting them to take full
advantage of state limited liability and indemnification laws available
to fully converting institutions, and also would facilitate state mutual
holding companies converting to federal charter without the cost and
expense of shareholder approval to change from state to federal stock
mutual holding companies.
In 2002, the OTS issued a final regulation that made a number of
amendments to the mutual to stock conversion regulations as well as the
mutual holding company regulations. The amendments appeared to raise the
limit for stock based plans formed in connection with mutual holding
company reorganizations and stock offerings-and thereafter-to 25 percent
of stock outstanding. However, the rules are unclear as to how this may
be accomplished, and what percent may be composed of stock option plan
and management recognition plan (MRP) stock.
The agency made this change with a goal of granting parity to mutual
holding companies and savings associations so that the mutual holding
companies will not undertake full conversions in order to create larger
stock plans. We suggest that the OTS should permit mutual holding
companies to issue total stock option plan and MRP stock in the same
amounts as if they had fully converted-that is double the currently
permissible amounts, or at least clarify that stock option plan and MRP
stock can constitute 25 percent together of the 49 percent maximum stock
mutual holding companies are permitted to issue, even if it has not all
been actually issued. Further, the language in the preamble to the final
rule "excludes" tax qualified ESOPs. The implications of the exclusion
are unclear; in any case, similar flexibility should be provided. The
same actions should be taken for implementing similar stock plans in
connection with so-called "no-stock" mutual holding company
In the situation of a mutual holding company that undertakes a second
step conversion, we request that OTS regulations be clarified to state
that the mutual holding company also gets three years of anti-takeover
protection when it conducts a second step conversion. Such a
clarification was made for mutual institutions forming a mutual holding
company in the recent amendments to the conversion regulations. The
theory of giving the three-year protection is that the agency believes
that mutual holding companies need three years of anti-takeover
protection in order to deploy conversion proceeds and adjust to managing
an institution in the mutual holding company environment without
interference. We believe that the same reasoning is true for mutual
holding companies undertaking a second step conversion.
Regulation of Mutual Institutions. The OTS has issued guidance
and stated in preamble to regulations that mutual savings associations
are permitted to establish phantom stock type plans. However, no
guidance or advice has been issued to address the regulatory
implications of such plans. For example, questions such as how is the
"stock" valued, what are permissible amounts that can be granted to
officers and directors individually or as a group, what are vesting
periods. We suggest that the OTS work with the industry to develop best
practices in the area. Issues in the areas of tax, ERISA and accounting,
as well as regulatory items need to be addressed.
Mutual to Stock Conversion Regulations. In a mutual to stock
conversion and simultaneous holding company formation, we request that
the OTS reconsider its requirement that 50 percent of the conversion
proceeds be retained by a newly formed shell holding company. In other
contexts, the idea of placing large amount of savings association
capital outside the institution would be deemed unsafe and unsound
without a business plan for such capital. We request that the OTS send a
positive signal that it will be flexible on this issue, and deemphasize
a 50 percent "rule".
We strongly urge the OTS to consider developing a streamlined
application process for small, noncomplex savings associations that wish
to convert to stock form or to form a mutual holding company. The
Securities and Exchange Commission has such a project underway.
Merger Conversions. We strongly urge the OTS and FDIC to work
together to develop and issue a fully synchronized and consistent policy
regarding merger conversion of small institutions. Recent examples
highlighted the business uncertainty and potential regulatory arbitrage
created by conflicting polices regarding such transactions, and when
permitted, permissible features of such transactions such as depositor
Also, the OTS has taken its policy of carefully reviewing
transactions of greater than $25 million in assets as a de facto
moratorium on all merger conversions. Mutual institutions with less than
$50 million in assets should have the flexibility to be acquired.
Requiring such institutions to undertake a costly mutual to stock
conversion under circumstances where the company's stock will in all
likelihood be illiquid and unable to maintain listing on the NASDAQ for
three years as OTS requires does not seem practical. Some small
institutions realize that they have no little or no ability to maintain
a competitive profile or business plan in an extremely competitive
financial services marketplace, and thus, should be allowed the option
to merge.
Publish a List of Approved and Denied Activities. In an effort
to minimize the number of applications filed and letters requested by
institutions seeking to engage in new activities, we suggest that the
agencies publish, on their websites and in the Federal Register,
on a regular basis, a list of powers and activities that have been
approved and those that, have been denied. The ability to review already
approved activities may save institutions time and resources in
preparing applications or requests.
Institute and Encourage Electronic Filing. The use of
technology provides additional opportunities to ease regulatory
compliance. Specifically, ACB strongly urges the agencies to enable
financial institutions to submit applications electronically. The OCC
currently pemits a limited variety of applications to be submitted
over the Internet.
Modernize Call Reports and Thrift Financial Reports. The FDIC
should reduce the cost of Call Report preparation by only including
items necessary for supervisory purposes and industry peer group
analysis. To achieve this goal, the FDIC should evaluate how the
industry uses Call Report data for internal purposes and should explain
how the Call Report items are used for supervisory and other purposes as
a check on whether reported items are needed. While it is appropriate
for the FDIC to use Call Report data for conducting peer group and trend
analysis, the agencies should identify what alternative data sources
could be used for satisfying this objective.
ACB supports the development of a Call Report filing system that will
be accessible in real time. Currently, the FDIC, the Federal Reserve,
and the OCC are overhauling the procedures and data systems used to file
Call Reports to create an online, real time central data repository that
will enable banks and regulators to prepare, publish and exchange
financial information more efficiently. Ultimately, Call Report data are
expected to be released earlier, enabling bankers, regulators and
investors to respond more quickly and more accurately to business
environments and risks.
Currently, the OTS is not participating in the interagency working
group. There should be parity in the reporting requirements and
processing among the banking regulators, and ACB encourages the OTS to
join the current interagency project or modernize the Thrift Financial
Report independently.
Applications and Reporting: Suggested Legislative Changes
Ease Restrictions on Interstate Banking and Branching.
Currently, national and state banks may engage in de novo interstate
branching only if expressly permitted by state law.12 Because
we believe that banks should enjoy the same flexible branching authority
available to savings associations, we recommend that this restriction be
eliminated. States' authority to prohibit an out-of-state bank or bank
holding company from acquiring an in-state bank that has not existed for
at least five years should also be eliminated.
Exempt Well-Capitalized Savings Associations From Dividend Notice
Restrictions. Current law requires savings associations and savings
and loan holding companies to notify the OTS 30 days prior to declaring
a dividend. This notice requirement is designed to allow the OTS to
consider whether the dividend will impair the safety and soundness of
the savings association.13 We believe that the notice
period imposes a compliance burden without a regulatory benefit when
applied to well-capitalized institutions.
As a result, ACB supports exempting from the requirement savings
associations that are well-capitalized and will remain well-capitalized
after the payment of a dividend. This will allow well-capitalized
savings associations to conduct routine business without regularly
conferring with the OTS.
Powers and Activities: Suggested Regulatory Changes
Application of the Interest Rate Exportation Doctrine to
Institutions with Multi-State Branches: The guidance provided by the
OTS, OCC, and FDIC regarding the use of the interest rate exportation
doctrine by banking institutions with multi-state branches is
inconsistent and difficult to apply in practice. ACB recommends that the
banking agencies provide consistent guidance on this matter.
A summary of past guidance is helpful to identify the relevant
issues. Former OTS Chief Counsel Harris Weinstein addressed this issue
in an Interpretive Letter dated December 24, 1992. Mr. Weinstein opined
that a savings association may always use the exportation doctrine to
export interest rates from the state in which its home office is
located, regardless of the contacts (or lack of contacts) that any
particular loan has with the savings association's home office or other
offices in its home state. The letter also states that if a loan is
"booked" in a branch office, the savings association can use the
exportation doctrine to make loans at the interest rate allowed by the
state in which that branch office is located. To identify the branch
office at which a loan is "booked," the letter provides that a
combination of all of four actions would be relevant: a loan is "booked"
in a branch office if the loan is underwritten, approved, processed,
and funds are disbursed in the branch office.
The guidance of the OCC and the FDIC issued several years later takes
a different approach. In OCC Interpretive Letter #822 (February 17,
1998), the OCC Chief Counsel opined that a multi-state bank may charge
interest at its home state rate unless all three of the following
actions occur at a branch office in another state: the loan is approved,
credit is extended (i.e., the approval of the loan is first communicated
to the borrower at this branch office in the other state), and funds are
disbursed to the borrower. These three factors are similar, but not
identical to the four OTS factors. If all of these three factors are
present at the branch in another state, then the exportation doctrine is
applied based on the branch state's interest rates. If only one or two
of these factors is present at the branch, then the exportation doctrine
is applied on the basis of the branch state's interest rates as long as
the loan has a clear nexus to the branch state. The determination
whether a loan has such a clear nexus is fact-intensive, and is not
susceptible to simple "bright line" tests. The FDIC provided similar
guidance in FDIC General Counsel Opinion No. 11 (May 18, 1998).
The difficulty with applying this guidance is that the location where
these factors occur may be practically impossible to pinpoint and may
change from one loan transaction to the next. For example, today most
loans are processed, underwritten, and approved to a varying degree by
automated systems with little, if any, involvement by any individual
person. Certain loans may be automatically approved by a computerized
system according to underwriting guidelines that were embedded in the
system by a team of underwriters, programmers and managers prior to
receipt of the loan application. The location where such a loan is
approved is difficult to determine. Trying to determine where the
programs and criteria for the automated underwriting system were created
or approved is not very helpful because these systems are complex and
likely involved multiple team members in various locations designing,
approving, and updating the systems.
Other loans may require an individual person or a chain of people to
complete the underwriting and approval. Although the other attributes of
the location of such loans may be the same as loans that are
automatically approved by a computerized system, the location of
approval may vary from one loan to the next, depending on whether an
individual person made the decision on the loan and, if so, exactly
which individual person made this final decision.
Likewise, where credit is extended, which is considered by the
banking agencies to be where the approval of the loan is communicated,
may vary from one loan to the next. If a loan officer picks up the phone
and calls the borrowers to congratulate them on their loan approval
before the formal commitment letter is sent out from another office,
there could be an issue raised as to whether the approval was
communicated by the loan officer or through the commitment letter. If
these two communications originated in two different states, it is
unclear where this function took place.
Finally, the factor of loan disbursement raises similar issues. For
example, for the convenience of borrowers, many lines of credit may be
disbursed by means of a credit card, checks, ATMs and direct withdrawals
at a branch. The diversity of opportunities for disbursement raises
issues as to the identification of the location where the loan funds are
disbursed, as multiple disbursements may be made over a period of time
in multiple states and even overseas. Tracing the funds back to a
disbursement account at the financial institution does little to clarify
the location of disbursement because that account is many times a
central clearing account that is not tied to a specific branch location.
For these reasons, at the time when a loan program is designed and
the content of the loan forms is determined, it can be quite difficult
to predict the location of credit approval, extension and disbursement
in advance. Certainty as to the accuracy of prediction is essential,
however. Loans must be eligible for securitization and sale to investors
who demand assurances as to the enforceability of the loans according to
their terms. If the location of the loans were not fixed with certainty,
then the loans might be exposed to severe penalties according to the
laws of some states. Therefore, a simplification and clarification of
regulatory guidance would be helpful to ensure no applicable state laws
are violated.
Because of the inconsistencies in the guidance offered by the
agencies, the ACB recommends that the agencies should make it clear that
an institution may always use its home state rates, regardless of the
contacts (or lack of contacts) between the home state and the loan.
Second, for cases where the rates of a state other than the home
state will be used, the agencies should clarify the factors that should
be considered to identify the appropriate state. These new factors
should be more easily determined than the factors used today.
Third, we recommend that the agencies set forth these new factors in
a joint proposed rule, providing notice and the opportunity for public
Fourth, with regard to a related matter, the OCC Chief Counsel has
also opined that an operating subsidiary of a national bank may use the
interest rate exportation doctrine to the same extent as the national
bank itself. But neither the FDIC nor the OTS has formally addressed
this issue. The ACB recommends that the three agencies should provide
guidance on this issue that is consistent with OCC opinion.
Fifth, while the three banking agencies have issued regulations or
interpretations that adopt the same standard for defining what is
considered "interest" for purposes of the exportation doctrine, they
should review their interpretations to ensure consistency. For example,
although the OCC has defined prepayment fees as interest, the OTS has
not addressed this issue.
Consumer Lending Limits for Savings Associations. Savings
Associations are developing business strategies that necessitate that
the limits on some consumer loans be more flexible. We urge the OTS to
review the statutory requirements of the Home Owner's Loan Act to
determine whether the agency can provide additional flexibility in the
consumer lending area without an amendment to the statute.
Management Interlocks Act. The OTS is the only federal banking agency
that takes the position that the Management Interlocks Act applies to
trust-only institutions. The other federal banking agencies have
indicated that the act does not apply to trust companies. We believe
that there is no compelling supervisory reason for the OTS to have this
interpretation. We urge the agency to reconsider this view.
Powers and Activities: Suggested Legislative Changes
Expand Federal Savings Association Business Lending Authority.
We strongly believe that federal savings associations should be granted
full small business lending authority and that the lending limit on
other business loans should be increased to 20 percent of assets.
Currently, section 5(c)(2)(A) of the Home Owners' Loan Act limits the
commercial lending authority of federal savings associations to twenty
percent of total assets, provided that amounts exceeding ten percent of
total assets may be used only for small business loans.
Expanding the business lending authority of federal savings
associations would help increase small business access to credit,
particularly in smaller communities where the number of financial
institutions is limited. Expanded authority would enable savings
associations to make more loans to small- and medium-sized businesses
and would enhance their role as community lenders.
Increase Commercial Real Estate Lending Authority. Savings
associations regulated by the OTS are not permitted to hold loans
secured by non-residential real property in amounts exceeding 400
percent of the association's capital, unless permitted by the OTS.14
In practice, such exceptions have been rare.
We believe that institutions with expertise in non-residential real
property lending should be permitted to have loan concentrations
exceeding the statutory limit, as consistent with prudent operating
practices. Specifically, the current statutory limit should be increased
and/or the OTS should establish practical guidelines for non-residential
real property lending at levels exceeding 400 percent of capital.
Update the Bank Service Company Act. The Bank Service Company
Act ('BSCA" )I5 permits national and state banks to invest in companies
that may provide clerical, administrative and other services closely
related to banking to depository institutions. We believe that the BSCA
and the Home Owners' Loan Act should be amended to provide parallel
investment ability for banks and savings associations to participate in
both bank service companies and savings association service
Update Community Development Investment Authority. ACB
supports authorizing federal savings associations to invest in community
development entities to the same extent as national banks.
National banks and state member banks are specifically authorized by
statute to make direct equity investments in entities such as community
development corporations ("CDCs").16 However, there is no
parallel statutory authority for federal savings associations.
Consequently, a savings association that wants to invest in a CDC must
do so through a service corporation. This is may be problematic because
many savings associations do not have a service corporation, which
limits their ability to fully serve their low-and moderate-income
Eliminate the Loan-to-One-Borrower Residential Housing Exception.
A statutory exception to the general lending limit is contained in
Section 1464(u)(2) of the Home Owners' Loan Act permits that federal
savings associations to lend one borrower the lesser of $30 million or
30 percent of capital for residential development. However, the purchase
price of each single family dwelling may not exceed $500,000. We believe
the $30 million/30 percent of capital limit is sufficient to prevent
concentrated lending to one housing developer and that the per-unit cap
is an excessive regulatory detail that frustrates the goal of advancing
residential development. Accordingly, ACB believes that the $500,000 per
unit limit should be eliminated or indexed with inflation.
Provide Equitable Treatment for Institutions Offering Fiduciary
Services. ACB strongly believes that new exemptions to the
broker-dealer registration requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 should apply to all insured depository institutions.
Title Il of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act17 removed the
blanket broker-dealer registration exemption previously provided to
banks under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.18 In its
place are fifteen "safe harbors" for traditional trust activities and
other services performed by financial institutions. To implement the new
safe harbors, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued an interim
final rule in 2001 that extended the safe harbors to savings
associations and savings banks.19 We believe that the
final rule should include this equitable treatment for savings
associations and that it should not impose unnecessary burdens on
community banks engaged in fiduciary activities.
Similarly, we believe that the Investment Advisers Act of 1940
("IAA") and its implementing regulations burden savings associations
unnecessarily. Section 202(a)(11) of the IAA specifically exempts banks
and bank holding companies from the definition of an "investment
adviser." Savings associations and savings banks, however, do not enjoy
this same exemption and must therefore register as an investment adviser
with the SEC. The disparity is further compounded because the Investment
Company Act of 1940 ("ICA") excludes both banks and savings associations
from the definition of an "investment company."20 To remedy
this inconsistency, the Investment Advisers Act should be amended to
exclude savings associations from the definition of "investment
We strongly urge the OTS to work with the industry and the Congress
to have this statutory change passed into law. There is no safety and
soundness reason for the different treatment of banks and savings
associations, particularly because these entities are subject to
substantially similar examination and supervision processes.
ACB reiterates our commitment to reducing unnecessary regulatory
burden on community banks and we stand ready to work with the agencies
to ensure that regulations imposed on insured depository institutions
are effective without being unduly burdensome.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important matter.
Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at
Charlotte M. Bahin
Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs
America's Community Bankers
Washington, DC 20006
1 America's Community
Bankers represents the nation's community banks. ACB members, whose
aggregate assets total more than $1 trillion, pursue progressive,
entrepreneurial and service-oriented strategies in providing financial
services to benefit their customers and communities.
2 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC"), Federal
Reserve Board (the "Board"), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
("OCC"), and the Office of Thrift Supervision ("OTS").
3 68 Fed. Reg. 35589 (June
16, 2003).
4 Pub. L. 104-208, Sept.
30, 1996.
5 See 12 CFR §§ 5.30(b),
208.6(a)(2), 545.92, 303.42(a).
6 See 12 C.F.R. §§
5.34(b), 208.76, 303.120, 559.11.
7 12 U.S.C.1828(m)(1)(A).
8 12 CFR 516, subpart D.
9 12 CFR 574.6(d)(1).
10 12 CFR 563.22(e)(1).
11 Home Owners' Loan Act
Section 10(e), 12 U.S.C. 1467a(e). See also 12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(2)(D))
(Change in Bank Control Act likewise does not require publication in the
business section).
12 12 U.S.C. §§36(g(1),
13 12 U.S.C. 1467a(f).
14 12 U.S.C. 1464(c)(2)(B)(i).
15 12 U.S.C. 1861 et
16 12 U.S.C. §§ 24,
338(a). A CDC is a corporation established by one or more insured
depository institutions, sometimes in concert with other investors, to
benefit low- and moderate-income individuals or areas, or other areas
targeted for redevelopment by the local, state, or federal government.
17 Pub. L. No. 106-102 113
Stat. 1338 (1999).
18 15 U.S.C.
19 66 Fed. Reg. 27760 (May
18, 2001).
20 15 U.S.C. 80a-3.