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FDIC Federal Register Citations

via e-mail
November 3, 2003

Comment 1

KeyCorp’s Response to Draft Supervisory Guidance on
Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit


KeyCorp considers itself privileged to be able to comment on the U.S. Regulatory Agencies’ Draft Supervisory Guidance on Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit document published in the Federal Register, August 4, 2003 along with the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR).

KeyCorp has actively participated with industry groups such as RMA, IIF and ISDA in constructing their responses to the ANPR as well as Basel II in general. We are honored to have had the opportunity to work with them, as well as all other participating financial institutions. Also, as an individual institution, we have discussed and advanced concepts, analysis and models on numerous occasions and on various topics to regulators active in the Basel II process.

We are in general agreement with the positions taken in the RMA industry group’s response to the Draft Supervisory Guidance on Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit. Listed below are some issues we believe may not have been adequately covered by the industry working groups, or that we think deserve extra emphasis.

This document only covers KeyCorp’s position on items contained in the Draft Supervisory Guidance on Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit. Separate documents are being sent as our response to the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management.

Dr. Ashish K. Dev
Executive Vice President
Risk Management

KeyCorp’s Response to Draft Supervisory Guidance on
Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit

Detailed Comments

This paper is KeyCorp’s response to the Draft Supervisory Guidance on Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit document published in the Federal Register, August 4, 2003. Separate papers deal with our views on the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and the Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management.

Our responses focuses on those areas where an alternative prescription may serve the supervisors better, or where supervisory guidance might be better aligned with best practices, and on those areas where additional clarification is needed. We greatly appreciate this opportunity to engage in constructive dialog on the very important matter of bank supervision of internal ratings systems.

Our responses are grouped by supervisory standard, printed in bold and numbered with the prefix “S”. In some cases supplemental text has been included along with the standard. We have restated only those standards that we chose to comment on.

S4. Banks must record obligor defaults in accordance with the IRB definition of default.

The IRB definition of default largely coincides with the situations we use at Key Bank to identify a facility as non-accruing. There are some exceptions. (For example, a company that continues to meet its obligations while in bankruptcy reorganization.) If the IRB definition were identified with non-accrual status, implementation would be made simpler.

S5. Banks must assign discrete obligor grades.
33. While banks may use models to estimate probabilities of default for individual obligors, the IRB approach requires banks to group the obligors into discrete grades. Each obligor grade, in turn, must be associated with a single PD.

This standard seems unnecessary. Why assign all obligors with the same rating the same PD? Why not permit default ratings to be associated with a range of PDs? In situations where the bank is able to estimate a PD, as opposed to merely ascribing an obligor rating, it should be allowed to use the estimated PD rather than the average PD associated with its grade in its economic capital calculation.

S7. Separate exposures to the same obligor must be assigned to the same obligor rating grade.
S19. Banks reflecting the risk-mitigating effect of guarantees must do so by either adjusting PDs or LGDs, but not both.

It is possible that some facilities of a given obligor may involve guarantees while others may not. Applying the risk-mitigating effect of the guarantee to the PD may result in different obligor ratings. Either an exception to S7 needs to be made for this situation, or S19 should direct that the effect of guarantees be applied by adjusting the LGDs.

S8. In assigning an obligor to a rating category, the bank must assess the risk of obligor default over a period of at least one year.
S9. Obligor ratings must reflect the impact of financial distress.
37. In assigning an obligor to a rating category, the bank must assess the risk of obligor default over a period of at least one year. This use of a one-year assessment horizon does not mean that a bank should limit its consideration to outcomes for that obligor that are most likely over that year; the rating must take into account possible adverse events that might increase an obligor’s likelihood of default.

In analyzing corporate credit risk at Key, adverse outcomes that may occur beyond a one-year period for obligors to which we have a greater than one year exposure are reflected in estimated mark-to-market losses. M-T-M losses do not enter into the risk rating, which is a simple two-dimensional rating based on a 1-year PD and LGD. M-T-M losses do, however, enter into the formula for economic capital. Expected M-T-M losses and economic capital both factor into the break-even pricing calculation.

If the intent here is that banks “stress” the financial ratio inputs that drive an obligor rating, then we would recommend against implementing this standard. Applying subjective stress tests to each credit would be costly, produce significant non-comparability, and would result in less accurate ratings and PDs than the process typically used now at most banks.

S10. Banks must adopt a ratings philosophy. Policy guidelines should describe the ratings philosophy, particularly how quickly ratings are expected to migrate in response to economic cycles.
S11. A bank’s capital management policy must be consistent with its ratings philosophy in order to avoid capital shortfalls in times of systematic economic stress.

We have no disagreement with these two standards. We fully recognize that a bank that adopts a Point-in-Time rating philosophy and therefore a Point-in-Time capital management philosophy will likely require more capital during a recession than during the rest of the cycle. However, these regulations are intended to specify minimum capital requirements. Most banks will continue to maintain capital in excess of the minimum as a cushion for times of systemic economic stress. The size of the cushion will fluctuate and will allow the bank to avoid having to raise capital during stress periods.

S16. Loss severity ratings must reflect losses expected during periods with a relatively high number of defaults.
51. Like obligor ratings, which group obligors by expected default frequency, loss severity ratings assign facilities to groups that are expected to experience a common loss severity. However, the different treatment accorded to PD and LGD in the model used to calculate IRB capital requirements mandates an asymmetric treatment of obligor and loss severity ratings. Obligor ratings assign obligors to groups that are expected to experience common default frequencies across a number of years, some of which are years of general economic stress and some of which are not. In contrast, loss severity ratings (or estimates) must pertain to losses expected during periods with a high number of defaults – particular years that can be called stress conditions. For cases in which loss severities do not have a material degree of cyclical variability, use of a long-run default weighted average is appropriate, although stress condition LGD generally exceeds these averages.

This standard is problematic for Key Bank. Because the IRB capital model does not include PD-LGD correlation and LGD variability, we agree that a stress condition LGD is appropriate for calculating regulatory capital. But, because these features are built into our internal economic capital models, we would prefer to base internal ratings on a weighted average LGD. We suggest that banks be allowed to use weighted average LGDs when the internal capital model is formulated to replicate stress conditions.

S22. Banks must have ongoing validation processes that include the review of developmental evidence, ongoing monitoring, and the comparison of predicted parameter values to actual outcomes (back-testing).
65. Generally, the evaluation of developmental evidence will include a body of expert opinion. For example, developmental evidence in support of a statistical rating model must include information on the logic that supports the model and an analysis of the statistical model-building techniques. In contrast, developmental evidence in support of a constrained-judgment system that features guidance values of financial ratios might include a description of the logic and evidence relating the values of the ratios to past default and loss outcomes.

We interpret this standard, in conjunction with S31 below, to mean that reliance upon vendor supplied developmental evidence is acceptable assuming that

1) The bank has analyzed the logic that supports the model and the statistical model-building technique,
2) The bank has verified that PD estimates are long-run averages,
3) Reference data used in the default model meets the long-run requirement, and
4) The model has been calibrated to capture the default experience over a reasonable mix of good and bad years of the economic cycle.

S24. Banks must develop statistical tests to back-test their IRB rating systems.
S25. Banks must establish internal tolerance limits for differences between expected and actual outcomes.
S26. Banks must have a policy that requires remedial actions be taken when policy tolerances are exceeded.
77. At this time, there is no generally agreed-upon statistical test of the accuracy of IRB systems. Banks must develop statistical tests to back-test their IRB rating systems. In addition, banks must have a policy that specifies internal tolerance limits for comparing back-testing results. Importantly, that policy must outline the actions that would be taken whenever policy limits are exceeded.

These standards are reasonable and reflective of best practice. But we are concerned about the setting of “tolerance limits.” There may be no good actions to be taken when “tolerance limits” are exceeded if the current system already reflects the state-of-the-art.
We advise that S25 and S26 be modified to simply require ongoing review of performance with a view toward improvement. Benchmarking and back-testing requirements should be sufficient for this task.

S27. IRB institutions must have a fully specified process covering all aspects of quantification (reference data, estimation, mapping, and application). The quantification process, including the role and scope of expert judgment, must be fully documented and updated periodically.
Data – First, the bank constructs a reference data set, or source of data, from which parameters can be estimated. Reference data sets include internal data, external data, and pooled internal/external data. Important considerations include the comparability of the reference data to the current credit portfolio, whether the sample period “appropriately” includes periods of stress, and the definition of default used in the reference data. The reference data must be described using a set of observed characteristics; consequently, the data set must contain variables that can be used for this characterization. Relevant characteristics might include external debt ratings, financial measures, geographic regions, or any other factors that are believed to be related in some way to PD, LGD, or EAD. More than one reference data set may be used.
Estimation – Second, the bank applies statistical techniques to the reference data to determine a relationship between characteristics of the reference data and the parameters (PD, LGD, or EAD). The result of this step is a model that ties descriptive characteristics of the obligor or facility in the reference data set to PD, LGD, or EAD estimates.

In this context, the term ‘models’ is used in the most general sense; a model may be simple, such as the calculation of averages, or more complicated, such as an approach based on advanced regression techniques. This step may include adjustments for differences between the IRB definition of default and the default definition in the reference data set, or adjustments for data limitations. More than one estimation technique may be used to generate estimates of the risk components, especially if there are multiple sets of reference data or multiple sample periods.
S28. Parameter estimates and related documentation must be updated regularly.
87. The parameter estimates must be updated at least annually, and the process for doing so must be documented in bank policy. The update should also evaluate the judgmental adjustments embedded in the estimates; new data or techniques may suggest a need to modify those adjustments.

We interpret these standards in conjunction with S31 below to mean that reliance upon pooled data, vendor supplied statistical models, and parameter estimates is acceptable. The concern here is with the requirement that parameter estimates “must be updated at least annually.” A vendor is unlikely to revise a model so frequently, but rather is more likely to wait to do so until performance of the model can be demonstrably improved.

S31. Parameter estimates must incorporate a degree of conservatism that is appropriate for the overall robustness of the quantification process.
S32. The sample for the reference data must be at least five years, and must include periods of economic stress during which default rates were relatively high.
98. Note that this principle does not simply restate the requirement for five years of data: periods of stress during which default rates are relatively high must be included in the data sample. Exclusion of such periods biases PD estimates downward and unjustifiably lowers regulatory capital requirements.

In some instances all available data may not include a period of stress during which default rates were relatively high. A case in point might be commercial real estate lending for which the last period of stress was the late 1980s to early 1990s. For many banks data is simply not available from this time period. In our view the absence of such data should not preclude a bank from adopting advanced IRB capital provided an appropriate degree of conservatism is applied to parameter estimates for such a portfolio, with the approval of the supervisors.
For other business lines 5 years of historical data may not be available at the start of Basel II. For these we suggest that the “start date” for achieving the minimum historical data requirement be the date on which the final capital rules and supervisory guidance are published. Assuming this occurs, for example, at year-end 2004, core banks would be required to have at least 2 years of historical data by the beginning of Basel II (January 2007). Some business lines, of course, would fulfill the 5-years requirement by January 2007, but some lines would not meet the requirement until year-end 2009. A “phase-in” process of this type is necessary we feel.

S34. Estimates of default rates must be empirically based and must represent a long-run average.
105. Statistical default prediction models may also play a role in PD estimation.
For example, the characteristics of the reference data might include financial ratios or a distance-to-default measure, as defined by a specific implementation of a Merton-style structural model.
106. For a model-based approach to meet the requirement that ultimate grade
PD estimates be long-run averages, the reference data used in the default model must meet the long-run requirement. For example, a model can be used to relate financial ratios to likelihood of default based on the outcome for the firms – default or non-default. Such a model must be calibrated to capture the default experience over a reasonable mix of good and bad years of the economic cycle. The same requirement would hold for a structural model; distance to default must be calibrated to default frequency using long-run experience. This applies to both internal and vendor models, and a bank must verify that this requirement is met.

See the responses to S22 and S27-28 above.

S41. The sample period for the reference data must be at least seven years, and must include periods of economic stress during which defaults were relatively high.

The comments on S31-32 also apply here.

S49. A validation process must cover all aspects of IRB quantification.
175. Banks must have a process for validating IRB quantification; their policies must state who is accountable for validation, and describe the actions that will proceed from the different possible results. Validation should focus on the three estimated IRB parameters (PD, LGD, and EAD). Although the established validation process should result in an overall assessment of IRB quantification for each parameter, it also must cover each of the four stages of the quantification process as described in preceding sections of this chapter (data, estimation, mapping, and application). The validation process must be fully documented, and must be approved by appropriate levels of the bank’s senior management. The process must be updated periodically to incorporate new developments in validation practices and to ensure that validation methods remain appropriate; documentation must be updated whenever validation methods change.
176. Banks should use a variety of validation approaches or tools; no single validation tool can completely and conclusively assess IRB quantification. Three broad types of tools that are useful in this regard are evaluation of the conceptual soundness of the approach to quantification (evaluation of logic), comparison to other sources of data or estimates (benchmarking), and comparisons of actual outcomes to predictions (back-testing). Each of these types of tools has a role to play in validation, although the role varies across the four stages of quantification.
S50. A bank must comprehensively validate parameter estimates at least annually, must document the results, and must report these results to senior management.
182. A full and comprehensive annual validation is a minimum for effective risk management under IRB. More frequent validation may be appropriate for certain parts of the IRB system and in certain circumstances; for example, during high-default periods, banks should compute realized default and loss severity rates more frequently, perhaps quarterly. They must document the results of validation, and must report them to appropriate levels of senior risk management.

Our reading of these two standards is that validation shall cover all four stages of the quantification process: data, estimation, mapping, and application; and that validation should consist of 1) evaluation of logic, 2) benchmarking, and 3) back-testing. S50 indicates that this must occur at least annually and perhaps quarterly during high default periods. Such intensive validation requirements seem inconsistent with the observation that “it will take considerable time before outcomes will be available” (see paragraph 74 of the Draft), and also inconsistent with the desire for IRB parameters to reflect long run averages. Our concern is that such frequent validation will create pressure on the part of supervisors to constantly revise parameter estimates that ought to reflect long-term averages.

S52. Institutions must collect, maintain, and analyze essential data for obligors and facilities throughout the life and disposition of the credit exposure.
S53. Institutions must capture all significant quantitative and qualitative factors used to assign the obligor and loss severity rating.
S54. Data elements must be of sufficient depth, scope, and reliability to:

• Validate IRB system processes,
• Validate parameters,
• Refine the IRB system,
• Develop internal parameter estimates,
• Apply improvements historically,
• Calculate capital ratios,
• Produce internal and public reports, and
• Support risk management.

S55. Institutions must document the process for delivering, retaining and updating inputs to the data warehouse and ensuring data integrity.
S56. Institutions must develop comprehensive definitions for the data elements used within each credit group or business line (a “data dictionary”).
S57. Institutions must store data in electronic format to allow timely retrieval for analysis, validation of risk rating systems, and required disclosures.

The IRB data maintenance standards do not explain how much history is required for rating assignment data and supporting IRB data, or how long the system is expected to be operational prior to qualification for IRB capital. More direction is needed on these points.
Some reference data elements required for validation will be in the form of pooled industry data. Although this is not discussed, our assumption is that this is acceptable as long as the data can be compared with internal data and with other sources.
The requirement that institutions must store data in electronic format to allow timely retrieval for analysis, validation, and disclosures could be quite costly if interpreted to mean that everything should be stored electronically, and all in one place. Best practice for many years to come will likely involve some non-electronic formats, multiple electronic-based files, and considerable differences in the designing of warehousing and retrieval systems. We hope that supervisors will be allowed to develop a sense for which data maintenance practices are acceptable over time by comparing practices across banks.


Comment 2

KeyCorp’s Response to Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management


KeyCorp considers itself privileged to be able to comment on the U.S. Regulatory Agencies’ Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management published in the Federal Register, August 4, 2003 along with the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR).

KeyCorp has actively participated with industry groups such as RMA, ISDA and IIF in constructing their responses to the ANPR as well as Basel II in general. We are fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with them, as well as all other participating financial institutions. Also, as an individual institution, we have discussed and advanced concepts, analysis and models on numerous occasions and on various topics to regulators active in the Basel II process.

We are in general agreement with the positions taken in the RMA industry group’s response to the AMA Framework for Operational Risk and Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management. Listed below are some issues we believe may not have been adequately covered by the industry working groups, or that we think deserve extra emphasis.

This document only covers KeyCorp’s position on items contained in Section V (‘AMA Framework for Operational Risk’) of the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) and the Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management. Separate documents have been sent as our responses to other aspects of the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) and Draft Supervisory Guidance on Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit.

Anupam Sahay
Vice President
Operational Risk
Ashish K. Dev
Executive Vice President
Risk Management
Head of Operational Risk

KeyCorp’s Response to Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management

Detailed Comments

KeyCorp strongly supports the overall regulatory framework for operational risk measurement and management, proposed in Section V of the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), titled ‘AMA Framework for Operational Risk’, and the accompanying Supervisory Guidance on Operational Risk (SGOR).

Given the current state of intellectual development and practical awareness surrounding operational risk, the Agencies have quite rightly proposed a flexible framework wherein individual institutions have considerable room to develop their own internal models.

KeyCorp stands firmly in support of an explicit capital charge for operational risk under Pillar 1. Our support rests on the following arguments:

 Moving Op Risk charge to Pillar 2 would necessitate raising the credit risk charge in Pillar 1 in accordance with the principle of maintaining the overall capital charge. Banks with significantly more credit risk, compared to operational risk, would be at a disadvantage.

 Having an explicit capital charge for operational risk will foster convergence in the methodologies for measuring and managing operational risk. This is a good thing for the industry. Such convergence is likely to flounder if each institution's treatment of operational risk is isolated from the rest of the industry. Our past experience with market risk lends support to this viewpoint.

 Pillar 1 capital charge creates a level playing field among the banks that are either required to join the new Basel regime or plan to opt-in. Inclusion of Op risk charge as a Pillar 2 component would introduce an unacceptable level of subjectivity.

 Pillar 1 capital charge is consistent with a comprehensive enterprise-wide risk view, with credit, market and operational risk as the three major risk types. All of these risks lend themselves to measurement and similar statistical techniques for analysis, in particular computation of economic capital. Furthermore, operational risk is intimately linked with both credit and market risk (by way of operations in the credit and market areas). It stands to reason that the goal of fully understanding the risk profile of an institution, and the management of that risk, would immensely benefit from requiring that operational risk be subjected to the same rigor and supervisory treatment as are credit risk and market risk.

 The Basel II process up to now has not only focused on regulatory capital for Operational Risk but also (much more than in credit risk, for example) catalyzed major development in the definition, categorization and management of Op risk. The emphasis on Operational risk has increased significantly across the banking industry. A Pillar 1 treatment will ensure the pace of development needed in methodologies for Op risk and place the emphasis that it deserves.

Along with our support for the general direction laid out in the ANPR and Draft Supervisory Guidance regarding Operational Risk Measurement and Management, there are a number of issues that we seek clarification for or would like to comment on. The issues are divided into six sections:

I. Transition
II. Corporate Governance
III. Methodology
IV. Internal Data
V. External Data & Scenario Analysis
VI. Risk Mitigation

I. Transition:

Allowance of BIA or SA for operational risk

According the proposed rules, U.S. banks will able to take advantage of the Advanced Internal Ratings-Based Approach (AIRB) for credit risk only if they also qualify for operational risk AMA. Banks for whom credit risk is the major burden, adopting AIRB is very important. In contrast to the credit risk processes and policies, the operational risk infrastructure is fairly immature and there are uncertainties surrounding the qualification processes, including ambiguities of some of the qualifying criteria. In this light, it seems harsh to disallow a bank from advanced practice if it fails, in a small measure, to qualify for operational risk AMA. For those banks that, at the time of implementation of the new rules, are well underway towards a mature operational risk measurement and management framework and have a well-defined roadmap to the finish line, the agencies should consider the option of simpler operational risk capital methodologies, such as the Basic Indicator Approach or the Standardized Approach, as a temporary measure.

II. Corporate Governance:

Standards too prescriptive

The division of responsibilities vis-à-vis management of operational risk is best left to the individual institution. While it may be suitable to mandate that the Board should be aware of the operational risk profile of the institution and the major losses and issues that surface, it is probably inappropriate (certainly impractical) to require them to ‘oversee the development of the firm-wide operational risk frameworks, as well as major changes to the framework’ (S2).

III. Methodology:

Consistent treatment of Expected Loss

Recently, the Basel Committee indicated that expected losses will not be included in credit risk capital. A consistent treatment should be meted out to operational risk. Just as in credit risk, banks anticipate and cover for expected operating losses in the form of reserves, product pricing and future margin income, as part of managing their everyday business. Capital should be charged for only the unexpected part of the losses and the adequacy of the coverage for expected losses should be treated as a supervisory matter in Pillar 2.

Indirect Costs

In response to the ANPR question whether indirect losses (for example, opportunity costs) should be included in the definition of operational risk against which institutions should hold capital, we strongly oppose the inclusion. While in principle it is attractive to measure the full economic impact of an operational event, in practice, the endeavor would be plagued by issues of uniform application of rules across banks and accuracy of measurement. Furthermore, today, banks are just learning to collect data on losses that show up in their financial books. The data collection process is too immature to handle more intangible losses such as opportunity costs.

IV. Internal Data:

3-year data requirement rule should not be changed

Implementing and executing a loss data collection is tedious and time-consuming exercise for banks. The difficulty is compounded if information has to be collected retrospectively, especially if there is need to go back more than a few quarters. All along, the Basel documents have spoken of a three-year minimum requirement of internal data for the purposes of qualifying for AMA. KeyCorp started collecting data late-2002, so as to have 3-4 years of data by the end of 2006, the proposed implementation date of the New Basel Accord. It is not appropriate to change the rules midstream and change the minimum requirement from 3 to 5 years, notwithstanding the provision provided for in the footnote on page 153 stating that ‘a shorter initial period may be acceptable for institutions that are newly authorized to use an AMA methodology’.

Default Correlations should be less than 100%

Adding operational risk capital estimates across the individual buckets of loss types (and perhaps business lines) amounts to setting the correlation between these various risk processes to 100%. Even though there is likely to be some correlation between the individual operational risk categories, in most cases it is guaranteed to be very small. For example, the correlation between Internal Fraud risk and Damage to Physical Assets risk is going to be close to zero. The situation is likely to be similar for all loss category pairs, perhaps with the exception of 1) Internal Fraud and External Fraud, and 2) Clients, Products & Business Practices and Execution, Delivery & Process Management. As such, taking perfect correlation as a starting point and insisting on rigorous procedures to demonstrate otherwise, leads to an excessively conservative viewpoint with significant overestimation of the true overall operational risk.

V. External Data & Scenario Analysis:

Scope of Scenario should be expanded

The current language of CP3 gives the impression that External Data & Scenario Analysis are to be used only for high severity events. What does one do in cases where there is almost no data in a certain risk bucket, e.g. Damage to Physical Assets? We believe that External Data & Scenario Analysis provide a rational framework to create ``virtual events’’ and should be used to fill any gaps in data. Typically, most of the gaps will be toward the high severity end. But the principle of generating loss information using External Data & Scenario Analysis remains valid for all potential events.

Identifying a minimum uniform set

While we understand the value (and indeed the necessity) of using external data, leaving the gate wide-open in terms of the particular data institutions would use—``relevant external data (either public data and/or pooled industry data)’’—jeopardizes the comparability of the internal models across institutions. Presumably, supervisory oversight under Pillar 2 would ensure a level playing field in the use of external data. Nonetheless, this may not be sufficient comfort to institutions that are peers and competitors.

For the purposes of AMA there should be one aggregate industry database (whether maintained by the industry or the national supervisors) and all institutions adopting AMA should be required to take into account all events in this database, with relevancy for their particular institution factored in. This is a tall order but one that would go a long way in insuring uniformity.

Regulating agencies should support safe-harbor laws for data pools

Operational event data consortia, like the ABA’s Operational Risk Consortium (ORC), are very important for increasing the knowledge pool of potential operational events and their impact. There are serious confidentiality and privacy concerns because of which the information getting into the database gets restricted and consequently of less use. For example, the ORC does not collect descriptive information about individual loss events, thereby reducing its usefulness as an input for a root cause or scenario analysis.

VI. Risk Mitigation

Floor of 20% is arbitrary

Given the already stringent requirements for an insurance coverage to be eligible as risk mitigation, why should the reduction be limited to 20% of the total operational risk capital charge? We understand the need for a haircut on insurance coverage, as definitely there is a non-zero probability of an insurance payment not coming through. However, a haircut of 80% seems too high. More transparency, on part of the Basel Committee, about the data and rationale leading to the 20% impact limitation would be in order.

The SGOR specifies fairly rigid parameters for an institution to utilize insurance as a primary risk mitigant. In effect, the paper only authorizes the placement of commercial insurance, with underwriters having strong financial ratings, into the institution’s adjustment for risk mitigation. For the top banking companies in the United States, including KeyCorp, the exclusion of wholly owned captive insurance companies is inappropriate.

Insurance via captives should get acceptance

There are several shortcomings associated with transferring operational risks to the commercial insurance market.

Timeliness of payments: Significant insurance claims relating to operational risks being presented to commercial underwriters for coverage, seldom, if ever, result in timely payouts. It is far more common, and is certainly KeyCorp’s experience, that coverage litigation is necessary in order to impose payment from our insurance carriers pursuant to the policy terms and conditions.

High deductible: High deductibles which preclude risk transfer for virtually all operational risk losses are the reality which faces all institutions falling within the scope of the proposed Basel II Capital Accord. For financial insurance coverages including professional liability and blanket bond, KeyCorp retains the initial $25,000,000 loss before the claim is presented to the commercial insurance carrier.

Specificity of coverage: the explicit mapping of the policies by the commercial insurance industry to cover the various operational risk exposures of the institution may be conceptually attainable but would be subject to subsequent coverage restrictions over time based upon the whim of the commercial markets. What is insurable in one year is deemed uninsurable the next and the insurers react in lock step with each other. Some of the notable coverage exposures that fall within the scope of operational risk that have been abandoned by the commercial insurance market recently are unauthorized trading, various investment banking risks, and property exposures such as mold.

We believe that a detailed evaluation and understanding of the operations of wholly owned captives such as KeyCorp Insurance Company, Ltd., would result in its endorsement as a primary risk mitigant relating to operational risk. Every characteristic pertaining to the insurance policy as an acceptable risk mitigant, identified in the proposed rulemaking document, coincides with the effective use of a wholly owned captive. Broad policy terms and conditions, realistic deductibles, and timely claims payouts can only depict coverage written through a captive insurance company and not coverage offered through commercial underwriters.

Openness towards other risk mitigation techniques

The new rules should leave the door open for innovation in the area of operational risk mitigation and not declare insurance as the only risk mitigation acceptable at these early stages of development.

Last Updated 11/07/2003

Last Updated: August 4, 2024