via email
October 14, 2003
Information Room
Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency
250 E Street, SW,
Mailstop 1-5
Washington, D.C. 20219
Chief Counsel's Office
Office of Thrift Supervision
1700 G. Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20522
Ms. Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
20th Street and Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20551
Robert E. Feldman
Executive Secretary
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20429
Attention: Comments/OES |
Re: Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access
to Customer Information and Customer Notice (“the proposed Guidance”)
Ladies and Gentlemen:
KeyCorp, a financial services company with assets of approximately
$83 billion, (“Key”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the
Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to
Customer Information and Customer Notice (“the proposed Guidance”)
applicable to financial institutions. The security of customer
information is always of highest priority at Key.
KeyCorp is committed to the protection of our customer’s sensitive
information. We have responded in the recent past with substantial
efforts to protect this singularly most important asset of our business.
Our safeguarding measures include a combination of encryption systems,
rigorous standards, strict privacy policies, and employee training and
awareness. In addition, implementation of the Customer Identification
Program mandated in the USA Patriot Act enhances new customer
verification techniques that will have additional deterrence effects on
identity theft crimes.
The proposed Guidance acknowledges the need for continued vigilance
in the area of potential identity theft. The banking industry is acutely
aware and responsive at the individual institution level to potential
consequences that directly impact them through financial losses, various
risk exposures, and loss of customer and shareholder confidence. KeyCorp
is deeply concerned that the specific approach in the proposed
guidelines will not allow for individualized assessment of different
situations from business risk perspectives specific to each institution.
As a responsible financial entity, we have put much attention into
responding to the Security Guidelines established under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Act (15 U.S.C. 6801 and 6805) and believe that these Security Guidelines
provide sufficient guidance and direction for the protection of
sensitive customer information. KeyCorp already takes significant
measures to maintain excellent business relationships with our customers
including respect for their privacy and security concerns.
KeyCorp and the majority of financial institutions in the country
over the past few years have paid significant attention to identity
theft issues. Improved system access restrictions, refined processes to
limit information use, improved encryption of data, increased employee
training and awareness, and the development of policies and procedures
surrounding the existing Security Guidelines have appropriately
addressed business responses and risk assessments for incidents of
unauthorized access of sensitive customer information. KeyCorp concludes
Section 501(b) of the GLBA offers sufficient guidance pertaining to
unauthorized access to sensitive customer information as it stands and
needs no further Agency interpretation, clarification or modification.
If Guidance is still considered necessary after further review and
analysis, any proposed and final Interagency Guidelines must reflect the
vast business experiences and practical operational issues and responses
of the financial services industry. The Agencies should consider
empanelling an Advisory Board comprised of institutions that would be
substantially affected by these significant changes, which would then
offer seasoned analysis, review and recommendations. At a minimum,
another comment period should be provided to ensure the serious issues
brought forth by the commenting institutions and organizations are
appropriately addressed in any final Guidance.
The proposed Guidelines are constrictive and do not permit a flexible
risk based approach, as defined by the affected financial institution,
to each individual incident.
All response programs to the unauthorized access to or use of
sensitive customer information have elements of assessment, containment,
and addressing harm to customers. The manner and method of this process
is currently heavily dependent on the institution’s size, operational
and system structures, and risk tolerances and should remain as such.
The Guidelines suggestions (which would quickly become “best practices”,
“minimum standards”, then “mandates”) include “shutting down particular
applications or third party connections, reconfiguring firewalls,
changing computer access codes, and modifying access controls,” in
situations that “could result” in substantial harm or inconvenience to
the customer. These extreme measures are advanced to address incidents
of potential, unpredictable criminal behavior if a customer is
inconvenienced. The response determined by the financial institution
should not be prescribed in such prohibitive, concrete terms while the
individual nuances of each situation are not given due consideration.
Constraints are also visible in the Guidelines by the inclusion of
notice to the institution’s primary regulator about any potential
incident that remotely hints at unauthorized access to sensitive
customer information. This threshold of regulatory notice for these
incidents is unusually low and extremely burdensome for both regulatory
agencies as well as the financial institution. While KeyCorp agrees that
regulators should be informed of any significant incidents, the
Guideline requirement for regulatory notice can be reasonably
interpreted as encompassing all incidents.
Incidents involving encrypted sensitive customer data should be
categorically and clearly exempted from any notice requirements.
Encrypted data, including relevant pieces of sensitive customer
information, should be exempted from the notice requirements, both
regulatory and customer. This exemption should also be applied if at
least one piece of the required pieces of information is encrypted, as
the remaining unencrypted information does not qualify as sensitive
information. The storage and transmission of encrypted data is an
accepted business practice that is widely acknowledged as a secure means
of maintaining confidential information and the proposed Guidance should
reflect that position.
Customer notice requirements, if required by regulation, should only
be applicable to incidents and sensitive customer information under the
control of the financial institution that are deemed to pose significant
risk of substantial harm to a significant number of customers.
The proposed customer notice requirement is too expansive and
includes “groups” of customers that may or may not be affected. The
notice requirement, if one is established, should adhere to a much
higher standard of scrutiny than likely to occur to a single individual
after the financial institution takes appropriate steps. This simple
characterization will certainly include customers who have no need to be
concerned or anxious about theft of their identities. A notification
requirement that errors on the conservative side will initially increase
the customer’s anxiety and eventually, their apathy to these incidents.
This is a serious risk of the notice requirement as proposed. Moreover,
the value of the notice is questionable when the reality is in most
situations a financial institution cannot possibly conclude, even after
a thorough assessment of the situation, the potential for criminal
behavior that may result in a particular customer’s potential financial
loss or theft of identity. What concrete assistance a notice can provide
is empathy and awareness for the future, however this benefit will be
more than offset by the stress and anxiety the notice will surely
create. Information as to what steps individuals can take to minimize
the impact of identity theft, as proposed by the Guidelines, is more
appropriately given in a proactive fashion by educating our customers
and increasing their awareness before sensitive information has been
The costs associated with widespread notice, both tangible and
intangible, are potentially extreme. The concentration of necessary
human resources at the financial institution to effectively support the
type of notice process proposed (e.g. staffing and training a customer
service area to answer calls) would be excessively costly and would
eventually dramatically increase the cost of basic services to
A less prescriptive model of customer notice would alleviate some of
the heavy financial and reputation burden to the financial institution.
Suggestions include providing a flexible time period for response and
notice based on an assessment of the situation, deleting the superfluous
requirements to “assist” the customer in updating consumer reports
(which potentially could be a customer privacy violation, in and of
itself) and the “offer to subscribe” the customer to a reporting
service. All of these elements, as suggestions to be included in the
notice, are cost prohibitive, restrictive and unlikely to be utilized as
offers to the customers.
KeyCorp appreciates the opportunity to be an important part of the
comment process surrounding appropriate response and notice to
unauthorized access to sensitive customer information. The comments
included here address the portions of the proposed Guidance that present
the serious concerns from our perspective. We will continue to remain a
collaborative partner with the Agencies, as this important topic is one
of our highest business priorities. Thank you for your interest.
Cheryl A. Voigt
Chief Compliance Officer
127 Public Square
Cleveland, OH 44114 |