Palos Bank and Trust
March 24, 2004
Ms. Leneta G. Gregorie
Legal Division
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 17th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20429
Dear Ms. Gregorie:
This comment letter is in reference to FIL-15-2004 regarding Proposed
Amendments to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Regulations. I have
been a community bank compliance officer for over twenty years and have
lived through the evolution of the Community Reinvestment Act. This
latest proposal to change the Act, raising the large-bank reporting
threshold from $250 million to $500 million, is a step in the right
direction. However, this step does not go far enough. As you state "This
change would take into account substantial institutional asset growth
and consolidation in the banking and thrift industries since the
definition was adopted." There is a marked difference between a bank
with $500 million in assets and banks with over $1 billion in assets.
Typically, banks with $500 million in assets still function as community
banks—they are hardly, in essence, similar to regional or 'large' banks.
My recommendation is that the definition of "small institution" mean
an institution with total assets of less than $1 billion. The basic
intent and spirit of CRA would not be compromised by this modification,
however, the burden of $500 million banks competing with regionals and
larger banks for loans and investments would be mitigated. The
commitment of a $750 million bank to its community is no different than
a $500 million, $250 million, or $30 million bank. A community bank is
just that—dedicated to its 'community'.
Catherine L. McKay
Vice President
Auditor and Compliance Officer
Palos Bank and Trust, Palos Heights, IL