Ryan Goodstein is a Principal Research Economist in the Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection at the FDIC. His research interests include household finance, real estate economics, and urban economics. Since joining the FDIC in 2008, he has provided technical and analytic support to the FDIC’s economic inclusion survey efforts including the biennial National Surveys of Unbanked and Underbanked Households and the Survey of Banks’ Efforts to Serve the Unbanked and Underbanked. He has also conducted economic analyses to inform regulatory rulemaking related to mortgage markets and the Community Reinvestment Act. Ryan earned his PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Research Topics
Household Finance; Real Estate Economics; Urban Economics
Curriculum Vitae
Ryan M. Goodstein, Alicia Lloro, Sherrie L.W. Rhine, and Jeffrey M. Weinstein. 2021. "What Accounts for Racial and Ethnic Differences in Credit Use?" Journal of Consumer Affairs. Vol. 55, no. 2, 389-416.
Ryan M. Goodstein and Sherrie L.W. Rhine. 2017. "The Effects of Bank and Nonbank Provider Locations on Household Use of Financial Transaction Services," Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 78, 91-107.
Ryan M. Goodstein, Paul Hanouna, Carlos D. Ramirez, and Christof W. Stahel. 2017. "Contagion Effects in Strategic Mortgage Defaults," Journal of Financial Intermediation. Vol. 30, 50-60.
David M. Blau and Ryan M. Goodstein. 2016. "Commitment in the Household: Evidence from the Effect of Inheritances on the Labor Supply of Older Married Couples," Labour Economics. Vol. 42, 123-37.
Ryan M. Goodstein. 2014. "Refinancing Trends among Lower Income and Minority Homeowners during the Housing Boom and Bust," Real Estate Economics. Vol. 42, no. 3, 690-723.
David M. Blau and Ryan M. Goodstein. 2010. "Can Social Security Explain Trends in Labor Force Participation of Older Men in the United States?" Journal of Human Resources. Vol. 45, no. 2, 328-63.
Ryan Goodstein and Nick Frazier, "Is There Crowd Out in Mortgage Refinance?" (Working Paper, no. 2023-01, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, January 2023)
Ryan M. Goodstein and Mark J. Kutzbach, "The Effect of Job Loss on Bank Account Ownership" (Working Paper, no. 2022-13, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, September 2022)
Ryan M. Goodstein, "Boomeranged! The Effect of Coresiding Adult Children on Housing Transitions among Older Homeowners" (Working Paper, no. 2016-02, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection, January 2016)
Ryan M. Goodstein and Yan Y. Lee, "Do Foreclosures Increase Crime?" (Working Paper, no. 2010-05, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, December 2010)