Corporate Reorganization Mergers
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Institution Name City, State | Total Assets (000's) | Cert # | Institution Name City, State | Assets Acquired (000's) | Offices Acquired | Cert # | Action Approved | DOJ Reply Date: | Application Number: |
Applicant Institution | Other / Target Institution | empty cell | |||||||
U.S. Bank National Association CINCINNATI, OH | 76,410,798 | 6548 | U.S. Bank Trust National Association SAINT PAUL, MN | 80,438 | 0 | 90319 | 12/21/2001 | 11/09/2001 | 20012530 |
U.S. Bank National Association CINCINNATI, OH | 76,410,798 | 6548 | U.S. Bank Trust National Association SEATTLE, WA | 125,173 | 0 | 33804 | 12/21/2001 | 11/09/2001 | 20012531 |
U.S. Bank National Association CINCINNATI, OH | 76,410,798 | 6548 | U. S. Bank Trust, National Association ATLANTA, GA | 57,955 | 0 | 35225 | 12/21/2001 | 11/09/2001 | 20012546 |
Bank One, National Association COLUMBUS, OH | 38,768,134 | 6559 | First Chicago NBD Mortgage Company TROY, MI | 2,540,420 | 0 | 0 | 07/31/2001 | 07/19/2001 | 20011507 |
Bank One, National Association COLUMBUS, OH | 38,768,134 | 6559 | Banc One Mortgage Corporation INDIANAPOLIS, IN | 1 | 0 | 0 | 07/31/2001 | 07/19/2001 | 20011508 |
The Peoples Banking Company FINDLAY, OH | 123,886 | 5966 | The Citizens Savings Bank Company PEMBERVILLE, OH | 95,361 | 3 | 11096 | 06/13/2001 | 05/15/2001 | 20011022 |
The Peoples Banking Company FINDLAY, OH | 216,023 | 5966 | The First National Bank of Ottawa OTTAWA, OH | 72,584 | 1 | 6669 | 06/13/2001 | 05/15/2001 | 20011023 |
Centennial Bank EUGENE, OR | 852,387 | 22493 | Centennial Mortgage Co. EUGENE, OR | 852,387 | 19 | 0 | 05/31/2001 | 05/09/2001 | 20011025 |
Premier West Bank MEDFORD, OR | 329,303 | 32975 | Timberline Community Bank YREKA, CA | 96,550 | 8 | 23139 | 03/23/2001 | 02/20/2001 | 20010224 |
The Peoples State Bank EAST BERLIN, PA | 694,557 | 12984 | Community Banks, National Association MILLERSBURG, PA | 730,581 | 25 | 7616 | 12/27/2001 | 12/17/2001 | 20012735 |
Chase Interim National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA | 450 | 0 | Chase Manhattan Trust Company, National Association PITTSBURGH, PA | 212,479 | 1 | 34765 | 11/02/2001 | 08/13/2001 | 20011808 |
PNC Bank, National Association PITTSBURGH, PA | 63,085,989 | 6384 | Hilliard Lyons Trust Company LOUISVILLE, KY | 58,454 | 1 | 91308 | 09/18/2001 | 08/13/2001 | 20011873 |
Branch Banking and Trust Company of South Carolina GREENVILLE, SC | 5,467,431 | 21098 | First Federal Bank SPARTANBURG, SC | 592,822 | 11 | 29333 | 08/07/2001 | 06/08/2001 | 20011161 |
Branch Banking and Trust Company of South Carolina GREENVILLE, SC | 5,672,685 | 21098 | The Southeastern Trust Company GREENVILLE, SC | 2,800 | 0 | 33620 | 10/24/2001 | 10/22/2001 | 20012562 |
Bank of Commerce TRENTON, TN | 49,863 | 1701 | Peoples State Bank of Commerce GRANT, AL | 34,232 | 1 | 16759 | 12/18/2001 | 11/07/2001 | 20012518 |
Reelfoot Bank UNION CITY, TN | 103,871 | 9199 | Fulton Bank FULTON, KY | 54,484 | 2 | 16338 | 10/12/2001 | 08/23/2001 | 20012138 |
Stockmens National Bank in Cotulla COTULLA, TX | 31,434 | 14864 | Stockmens Financial Corporation COTULLA, TX | 3,379 | 1 | 0 | 11/02/2001 | 10/22/2001 | 20012233 |
Zavala County Bank CRYSTAL CITY, TX | 50,539 | 15105 | Zavala Bankshares Inc. CRYSTAL CITY, TX | 4,259 | 1 | 15105 | 07/02/2001 | 05/31/2001 | 20011211 |
The Citizens State Bank of Dickinson, Texas DICKINSON, TX | 128,659 | 9017 | League City Bank & Trust LEAGUE CITY, TX | 108,577 | 4 | 17577 | 03/23/2001 | 01/11/2001 | 20003378 |
The Eden State Bank EDEN, TX | 17,997 | 26738 | The First State Bank of Rankin RANKIN, TX | 19,226 | 1 | 11165 | 06/13/2001 | 05/03/2001 | 20010855 |
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