Mr. Antonakes previously served as the Deputy Director and the Associate Director for Supervision, Enforcement, and Fair Lending at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He was the Bureau’s second highest ranking official, oversaw the supervision of all banks and non-banks under the Bureau’s jurisdiction, and established the Bureau’s consumer protection supervision program for the largest financial institutions in the country which collectively account for over 80 percent of the nation’s banking assets. He supervised a staff of nearly 800 and administered a budget of over $145 million.
Prior to joining the Bureau, Mr. Antonakes was appointed by successive governors to serve as the Massachusetts Commissioner of Banks from December 2003 to November 2010. Preceding his appointment as Commissioner, Mr. Antonakes served in a variety of managerial positions at the Division of Banks having joined the agency as an entry-level bank examiner in 1990.
During his 25-year regulatory career, Mr. Antonakes staffed the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), served as the first state-voting member of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), Vice Chairman of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), and as a founding member of the governing board of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS). In March 2007, Mr. Antonakes received NeighborWorks America’s Government Service Award for his work in combatting foreclosures.
Mr. Antonakes graduated from Lynn Public Schools and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Penn State University, a Master of Business Administration from Salem State University, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Law and Public Policy from Northeastern University. He serves on the boards of Mass General Brigham Salem Hospital and Camp Fire North Shore.