William Myers founded
Alternatives Federal Credit Union and was its CEO through mid-2007.
From its inception, Alternatives successfully focused on serving
emerging markets through innovative products and partnerships. Noted
innovations include a VITA tax preparation site, five youth credit union
branches, small business training and lending, volunteer staffed
financial planning, and Individual Development Accounts.
Mr. Myers' continues his work researching, consulting, and speaking on
innovative product design and partnerships. His most recent projects
include payday lending models, a non-prime auto lending study, pre-paid
cards for emerging markets, a scale and sustainability study, and a
pilot using back office consolidation as a merger alternative. He is
the List Moderator for the Community Development Banking list.
affordable housing, and commercial loans for small business in low-to-moderate income markets and investing in tax credit projects. He is also responsible for consumer strategies to attract the unbanked. Murphy is responsible for the Minority/Women’s Business owners supplier diversity program.
In 1990, Murphy joined Human Resources for AmeriTrust, which later merged into Society Corp, Key’s predecessor. Prior to coming to Cleveland, he spent 12 years in a wide range of both planning and operations functions in Retail and Human Resources at Mellon National Bank in Pittsburgh.
Murphy earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications and a masters degree in public administration from the University of Pittsburgh. He has also studied at the University of Michigan and Case Western Reserve University in a variety of leadership programs.
He is currently a member of the Cuyahoga Community College Board of Trustees. He also is a member of Leadership Cleveland; Board President of the United Black Fund; Past Chairman of the Board of Directors of Recovery Resources, and a board member of A.M. McGregor Foundation. Murphy serves on the board of Social Compact, Bankers Collaborative of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Center for Financial Services Innovation, and Bank Administration Institute.