Deyanira Del Río, NEDAP's associate director, has worked to promote financial justice in low income and immigrant communities since 1997. She frequently trains community groups and financial institutions on fair lending and economic justice issues, and leads campaigns to eliminate discriminatory barriers that immigrants face in the banking and credit systems. Dey co-authored NEDAP's know-your-rights financial education and homeownership courses, and has written about and testified at public hearings on prepaid cards, tax refund loans and foreclosures. She serves as board chair of the Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union; vice-chair of the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions; and board member of New Immigrant Community Empowerment. She was selected for the 2005-2006 Charles H. Revson Fellowship on the Future of the City of New York and the 2007 Coro Immigrant Civic Leadership Program. In 2009, Dey received the Mujeres Destacadas (Outstanding Women) award from El Diario/La Prensa.
Last Updated: November 18, 2011