Arellia "Lisa" Hinton is a dedicated financial professional who has devoted more than 30 years to serving the community, purpose driven businesses and enriching the well-being of individuals. Lisa serves as Assistant Vice President, Bank Officer and Branch Manager in downtown Washington, D.C. This flagship branch carries with it the responsibility of staff management, branch operations, business development and managing client portfolios. For more than 20 years, she has conducted life coaching curriculums to residents at Oakhill Detention Center, New Beginnings Re-entry Services, Calvary Women’s Shelter and the Brentwood Facility for juvenile boys and girls. Appropriate classes have also been conducted for College level, High School, Middle School, Elementary School, Golden-age Seniors and Special Needs/At Risk residents. She is also one of three instructors that conduct financial literacy classes for the residents at the D.C. Department of Corrections. The team provides a program of comprehensive banking topics, with intentions to better position the residents for success upon release. She studied at the University of the District of Columbia and the USDA Graduate School, obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Business Management and graduate certificate in Government Policy.
Last Updated: May 19, 2023