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Chief Financial Officer's (CFO) Report to the Board

Investment Strategies - First Quarter 2016

Deposit Insurance Fund

Strategy for the 1st Quarter 2016

Purchase up to $10 billion (par value) of Treasury securities with maturity dates between June 30, 2016, and June 30, 2021, subject to the following additional provisions: all newly purchased securities will be designated as available-for-sale; and no more than $2 billion (adjusted par value) of such securities shall consist of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.

Strategy Changes for 2nd Quarter 2016

Purchase up to $14 billion (par value) of Treasury securities with maturity dates between September 30, 2016, and September 30, 2021, subject to the following additional provisions: all newly purchased securities will be designated as available-for-sale; and no more than $2 billion (adjusted par value) of such securities shall consist of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.

National Liquidation Fund

Strategy for 1st Quarter 2016

Maintain an overnight deposit target floor balance within a range of $100 million to $300 million.

Strategically invest the remaining funds in the zero- to 12-month maturity sector.

Strategy Changes for 2nd Quarter 2016

No strategy changes for the second quarter of 2016.