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Panelist Biography

Luke Brown

Associate Director, Supervisory Policy
Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection, FDIC

Last Updated: May 28, 2024

Luke H. Brown has over 25 years of leadership and experience as a bank supervision and regulatory compliance professional. As Associate Director for Supervisory Policy, Luke leads FDIC efforts to develop and implement sound compliance policy, including supervisory guidance and regulations, to help ensure the FDIC's approximately 2,651 supervised institutions comply with federal consumer protection laws and regulations. In this role, he also directs initiatives designed to identify, understand, and raise awareness of emerging compliance risks associated with certain products and services offered and marketed by and through banks. Luke also serves as the FDIC's voting member of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) Appraisal Subcommittee, and the FDIC's representative to the FFIEC Consumer Compliance Task Force, for which he has been a two-time chairman. He has also been Acting Senior Deputy Director for Consumer Compliance Examinations and CRA and Enforcement, overseeing the FDIC's nationwide consumer compliance supervision program, whose staff evaluate FDIC-supervised institutions for adherence to consumer protection laws and regulations.

Before joining the FDIC in 2008, Luke served as Director of Regulatory Reporting at Fannie Mae, where he managed activities for facilitating compliance with safety and soundness examination and affordable housing mission supervisory requirements. He also served as Special Assistant to the Deputy General Counsel and an enforcement attorney at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Luke received a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School and a B.A. from St. Bonaventure University.