Atlanta Region: Community Bankers & Directors Workshop - Capital Markets
The FDIC Atlanta Region is pleased to announce our Community Bankers and Directors Workshop for 2014. This workshop will focus on Capital Markets topics and include discussions of the Revised Regulatory Capital Requirements, Investment Portfolio Management, and Interest Rate Risk.
The Workshop is an interactive, one-day event designed to provide information on current topics of interest. Highlights of this year’s event include:
Revised Regulatory Capital Requirements - In this topic, we will discuss the new capital rules including minimum capital requirements, the revised capital definitions, adjustments and deductions, the capital conservation buffer, adjustments to the Prompt Corrective Action thresholds, asset risk weighting, and Call Report revisions related to the new capital rules. Additionally, we will review tools available to community bankers and directors to assist with this transition.
Investment Portfolio Management - For this session, we will discuss investment portfolio strategies and oversight, investment permissibility and suitability, pre-purchase and on-going monitoring requirements, process and documentation. Further, we will discuss classification of securities, including discussion of Financial Institution Letter 51-2013, Uniform Agreement on the Classification and Appraisal of Securities Held by Financial Institutions, dated October 29, 2013.
Securities Tabletop Exercise - During the Investment Portfolio Management presentation, we will complete a tabletop exercise involving classification of securities in addition to making decisions of whether to purchase specific securities.
Interest Rate Risk - Management - This discussion will include commentary regarding general expectations of the role of a bank directorate and senior management team. Further, we will discuss items to consider regarding the policies and models that guide the bank's Interest Rate Risk Management process and discuss the independent review of the Asset/Liability Management function, including discussions of back-testing, model validations, and internal control reviews. Finally, we will discuss issues routinely noted during field examinations.
Interest Rate Risk - Modeling and Assumptions - In this topic, we will explore various facets of Interest Rate Risk modeling. In particular, we will discuss the sufficiency of the model utilized by the bank given the balance sheet complexity and review basic model levels. We will define complexity for purposes of modeling sensitivity to market risk and discuss several key assumptions used in modeling. Finally, we will talk about use of Interest Rate Risk monitoring reports, including establishing risk mitigation strategies.
Interest Rate Risk Tabletop Exercises - During the Interest Rate Risk presentations, we will conduct tabletop exercises pertaining to back-testing model projections against actual results and sensitivity testing analysis of identified key assumptions. The goal of these exercises is to spur discussion about what modeling inputs mean for your bank. Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about these topics.
Target Audience
Directors and Executive Officers of community banks involved in teh manaemetn or oversight of these areas, potentially includingPresidents/Chief Executive Officers; Chief Financial Officers; Chief Investment Officers; Treasurers; and Directors involved in the Asset/Liability Management function (including membership in the Asset/Liability Committee.)
Agenda Summary
Registration will begin at 8:00am, and the presentations will being promptly at 8:30am. Full Agenda (Printable PDF - 32k) (PDF Help)
- Opening Remarks
- Revised Regulatory Capital Requirements
- Investment Portfolio Management
- Lunch
- Interest Rate Risk - Management
- Interest Rate Risk - Modeling and Assumptions
- Closing Remarks
Sessions end at approximately 4:30pm.
Location and Dates
Once the locations and dates have been determined, you may attend any of the sessions throughout the region, not just the session in your immediate area. Please coordinate with your respective trade association to register and to receive details regarding location dates and venues. We will link that information here.
Please coordinate with your respective trade association to register and to receive details regarding location dates and venues. For additional information you may contact Assistant Regional Director Edye Fulcher at or (678) 916-2184 or Senior Capital Markets and Securities Specialist Susan Janson at or (678) 916-2166. We look forward to seeing you at one of the following locations:
- Charleston, WV: August, 19, 2014
- High Point, NC: September 16, 2014
- Miami, FL: October 30, 2014
- Tampa, FL: October 31, 2014
- Columbia, SC: November 5, 2014
- Montgomery, AL: December 3, 2014
- Birmingham, AL: December 4, 2014
- Atlanta, GA: January 27, 2015
- Macon, GA: January 29, 2015
Continuing Professional Education Credits (CPE) Information
You may be eligible to earn CPE credits during this workshop. For information regarding CPE credits please click here.