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Federal Deposit
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Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Home Regulation & Examinations Laws & Regulations FDIC Federal Register Citations


FDIC Federal Register Citations

From: laurie rowell []
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:29 PM
To: Comments
Subject: SPAM::Community Reinvestment -- RIN 3064-AC50

I want to strongly protest the passing of current measures that would remove bank responsibility to reinvest in low-income communities.

This is not only wrong by every measure of fairness, putting an undue hardship on the poor communities to ease concerns of banking interests, it shows how banks have forgotten--as have all our corporate entities--that they exist by the will of the community. FDIC regulations are not there for the convenience of banks, but for the safety and well-being of citizens. Banks owe a responsibility to the communities where they exist and where they are allowed to profit.

I would think it fair for banks that can show genuine hardship to be given a hearing that would allow them a one-year pass, but eliminating this responsibility for all banks that have under a billion in assets is ludicrous.

With respect,

Laurie Freeman Rowell
Issaquah, Washington



Last Updated 11/10/2004

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