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FDIC Federal Register Citations

Cooperative Resource Center

From: Beth Hohl Asbury []
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 10:12 AM
To: Comments
Subject: Community Reinvestment -- RIN 3064-AC50

To whom it may concern:
As affordable housing developers in three regions of the State of Georgia, we are deeply concerned about the proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act regulations for mid-sized banks. Cooperative Resource Center is the largest nonprofit housing developer in Georgia, and the vast majority of the financing for our affordable family, senior, and special needs housing comes from mid-sized banks. We believe the proposed changes will severely curtail our access to the capital necessary to construct this much-needed housing.

CRA is a critical component to our community's affordable housing and community development solutions. We oppose any increase to the threshold of what is considered to be a small bank. The proposed FDIC rule would exempt many of our community's critical partners from the effective and productive requirements currently in place. We urge the FDIC to withdraw its proposed rule.

Thank you for this opportunity to comment.

Beth Hohl Asbury
Deputy Executive Director
Cooperative Resource Center, Inc.
191 Edgewood Avenue, SE
Atlanta, Georgia


Last Updated 10/08/2004

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